Argya Harish Soedarmo

Argya Harish Soedarmo

Class of 2026

Hail to the victors!

Hi, I’m Argya from Jakarta, Indonesia. Recalling my conversations with my father when I was a child about what a flap is and what does it do every time, we were on a flight made me realize how technology has always been a big part of my life. Compelled to pursue a passion for engineering, I attend one of the top engineering colleges in the country.

Before embarking on my MBA journey at Ross, I worked for Indonesia's largest wireless carrier. My career path took an interesting turn as I transitioned from engineering to marketing analytics. This experience provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the telecommunications industry and how technology continues to reshape our world.

While my passion for engineering remains strong, I often found myself pondering the rationale behind certain decisions, especially in situations where pure physics and numbers fell short. It was then that I noticed how MBA graduates with engineering backgrounds excelled in these areas, inspiring me to follow a similar path.

When deciding on which MBA programs to target, Ross had always been my number one choice. The combination of experiential learning through MAP, the extensive alumni network, and the tight-knit culture are the things that drew many students to this prestigious program.  However, it is common to be overwhelmed by this process, and you can bet that I feel that way too. Fortunately, you quickly find out that Ross’s current students and alumni are more than happy to help you with this life-changing and pivotal decision of your life. 

You've probably heard the saying that pursuing an MBA is like "drinking from a firehose" – let me assure you, it's no exaggeration. Juggling classes, recruitment, and club activities is intense, but I've learned to find joy in life's simple pleasures. Whether it's exploring Ann Arbor's beautiful parks with my family, strumming my guitar, or unwinding with my favorite video games, these moments keep me grounded.

If you have any questions or just want to chat, don't hesitate to reach out. And remember – go blue!