The Ross School of Business building
Faculty Research Interests

Learn more about the faculty who collaborate with PhD students, and explore their groundbreaking research.

Accounting   |   Business & Economics   |   Finance   |   Management & Organizations

Marketing   |   Strategy   |   Technology & Operations

Arthur Andersen Professor of Accounting
Chair of Accounting

Understanding the role of accounting information in creating and resolving risk and uncertainty in both capital markets and financial institutions, how discretionary accounting choices made by banks affects both the risk of the individual bank and the bank’s contribution to systemic risk.

Professor of Accounting
Michael and Joan Sakkinen Faculty Fellow
Accounting Faculty Doctoral Coordinator

Understanding the role of capital markets, international accounting, corporate disclosure, and real effects of reporting quality.

Coopers and Lybrand, Norman E. Auerbach Assistant Professor of Accounting
Jones Research Scholar

The role of disagreement and uncertainty in capital markets, the content of earnings, and the relationship between firm-level and macroeconomic information.

Carlton H. Griffin-Deloitte & Touche LLP Collegiate Professor of Accounting

Use of managerial and financial accounting information in performance evaluation and managerial compensation, and agency theory and its application to managerial accounting.

Victor L. Bernard - Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP Collegiate Professor of Accounting

Usefulness of financial analysts’ price targets, stock recommendations, and earnings forecasts; firms’ use of accounting report discretion (earnings management); and the interaction between analysts’ earnings forecasts targets and firms’ reporting choices.

Ernst & Young Professor of Accounting
Clyne Crawford Teaching Fellow
Faculty Director, Paton Accounting Center

How managers communicate their view of the firm and its activities to outsiders.

KPMG Professor of Accounting
Teitelbaum Research Scholar

Interaction among firm strategy, organizational design and managerial accounting, and use of non-financial measures in performance evaluation.

Assistant Professor of Accounting
Clyne Crawford Teaching Fellow
Ernst and Young Faculty Fellow

The effects of regulation and the role of internal information in firm outcomes and external reporting.

Coopers and Lybrand, Norman E. Auerbach Assistant Professor of Accounting

Executive compensation, corporate governance, and disclosure.

Thomas C. Jones Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
Professor of Accounting
Michael and Jean Sakkinen Faculty Fellow

Financial accounting and reporting, measurement and financial instruments, the timeliness and accuracy of bond ratings, examination of managers’ incentives to use discretion in reporting earnings, and evaluation of the role of accounting information in firm valuation.

Business & Economics
Buzz and Judy Newton Professor of Business Administration
Area Chair, Business Economics and Public Policy
Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy

Allocative efficiency, firm performance and productivity, international economics, personnel economics, product market competition, and public policy and firm behavior.

Associate Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy
Business and Economics Faculty Doctoral Coordinator

Health economics, public policy, healthcare, public economics, consumer credit, and personal finance.

Waldo O. Hildebrand Professor of Risk Management and Insurance
Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy

Health economics, the demand for insurance, employer-sponsored insurance and the labor market, regulation of insurance markets, and public insurance programs.

Associate Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy

Inference in small samples, statistical analysis of large data sets with complex dependence structures, and development of new econometric tools for empirical social science.

William Davidson Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy
Professor of Economics, LSA

Industrial organization, vertical relationships and antitrust, contracting and franchising, and entrepreneurship. Advances in contract theory and models of vertical relationships applied to the analysis of franchising arrangements and other contractual relationships with an emphasis on incentive issues, firm performance, and competition policy.

Dow Professor of Sustainable Science, Technology and Commerce
Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy
Professor of Environment and Sustainability

Corporate environmental information disclosure, greenwashing, the causes and consequences of renewable energy policy regulation, and voluntary programs for environmental improvement.

Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy

Economics of organization, transaction-cost economics, contracting practices and contract law, theory of the firm, vertical integration and vertical restrictions, and evolution of legal institutions.

Associate Professor for Business Economics and Public Policy

Enterprise, firm, and worker characteristics and decision-making (e.g., labor contracting, worker training, managerial quality) and the resulting performance dynamics, particularly in developing countries.

Sanford R. Robertson Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Assistant Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy

The economic effects of fiscal and regulatory policy, focusing on the impact of taxes and regulations on firm production, investment and pricing decisions and individual consumption behavior.

William Davidson Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy
Professor of Economics, LSA (courtesy)
Professor of Law (courtesy)

Impact of tax policy on individual and business decisions, compliance costs of taxation, roles of businesses and technology in tax system operation, and tax policy.

Professor of Finance
Area Chair of Finance

Information economics and its applications to market microstructure (e.g., market liquidity and price efficiency) and international finance (e.g., foreign exchange, financial crises and contagion, and central bank interventions). Strategic trading in stock and bond markets, government intervention in currency and bond markets, financial crises and contagion, financial market dislocations, and the relation between firm-level adverse selection and firms’ capital structure decisions.

David B. Hermelin Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Finance
Finance Faculty Doctoral Coordinator

The effect of informational frictions such as adverse selection and moral hazard in corporate finance settings and on financial markets. Recent work includes the role of banks and FinTech companies in payments.

Assistant Professor of Finance

Law and finance, with a specialization in real estate and private markets.

Associate Professor of Finance

The role of corporate finance, information economics and contractual arrangements.

Professor of Finance

Finance and sustainability, asset pricing models, market microstructure, and the behavior of stock and bond prices. Continuing contributions to scholarly research in the field of business, and noteworthy contributions to building and maintaining a strong research environment at Michigan Ross.

Assistant Professor of Finance

Empirical corporate and household finance, with a focus on banking, fintech, real estate, and intangible capital.

Assistant Professor of Finance

Empirical asset pricing, macro-finance, econometrics, and delegated asset management, focusing on the term structure of equity risk premia, dynamic firm risk, and their implications for macroeconomic models and asset management.

Robert Morrison Hoffer Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Finance

Contract theory, asymmetric information, and their application to corporate finance and investments; capital structure, takeover financing, divestitures, managerial myopia, managerial incentives, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, corporate diversification and executive compensation.

Michael Stark Professor of Finance

Security issuance (IPOs/SEOs) decisions, capital structure and risk-management decisions, banking, corporate risk management and credit risk, initial public offerings and seasoned equity offerings, and theoretical corporate finance. Measurement and monitoring of risk in banks, causes and consequences of financial crisis, incentive issues in mortgage securitization markets, racial differences in real estate finance, and the effect of market pressure on bureaucracies’ actions.

Jerome B. and Eileen M. York Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Finance

Backdating of executive options, risk-return trade-off in asset prices, intra-day impact of insider trading, long-run performance of IPOs, managerial overconfidence, Chinese walls and conflicts of interest in securities firms, option pricing, and conflict between information efficiency and rewards to information gathering. Executive compensation, information effects of short-selling, empirical asset pricing, insider trading, law and economics.

Management & Organizations
John H. Mitchell Professor in Business Ethics
Professor of Management and Organizations
Chair of Management & Organizations

Social and ethical issues in organizations. Behavioral ethics, organizational justice, and workplace diversity.

Jack D. Sparks Whirlpool Corporation Research Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations
Management and Organizations Faculty Doctoral Coordinator

Organization theory, complex systems, economic sociology, collaboration, conflict, networks, strategic alliances, patent infringement lawsuits, intellectual property, and innovation. Origins and evolutionary dynamics of the dual social structure of markets that encompasses both collaborative and conflictual interorganizational relationships and investigates how network positions of firms determine their behavior and performance.

Michael & Susan Jandernoa Professor of Management and Organizations

Interests include leadership and managerial effectiveness, issue selling, self-management and organizational change (in the context of interpersonal relations), organizational change, and employee socialization. Leadership processes, proactivity, self-management, issue selling, feedback seeking.

Assistant Professor for Management and Organizations

Social-evolutionary approach to the study of leadership, social hierarchy, and coalitions. The motivational, social-cognitive, and endocrinological processes that underlie the attainment and maintenance of social relationships, with an emphasis on those within group hierarchies and coalitions.

Gilbert and Ruth Whitaker Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations

Corporate governance, finance and society, and new forms of organizations, corporate governance, organization theory, globalization, social networks, and social movements.

Professor for Management and Organizations
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow

How to lead effective organizational teams, with specific interests in leadership skills in conflict management, diversity and inclusion, vision crafting, and the communication of emotions.

Professor of Management & Organizations
Professor of Environment and Sustainability
Holcim (US), Inc. Professor of Sustainable Enterprise

Institutional theory, culture change, social movements, negotiations, organizational and social entrepreneurship, environmental protection, and sustainability of industries.

Clinical Professor of Management and Organizations

Negotiation, leading with emotions, mindfulness, social dilemmas, cooperation. Drawing on personal strengths to be simultaneously collaborative and assertive, lead with emotions, enhance creativity, and align with one’s moral compass to achieve goals and maximize economic profits in a sustainable way, while fostering well-being.

Professor of Management & Organizations, Ross School of Business
Director, Self-Control and Emotion Laboratory
Chair, Social Psychology Area
Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan
Faculty Lead of Innovation, Eisenberg Family Depression Center

Self-control, emotion and emotion regulation, wisdom, leadership, emotional intelligence, social media and well-being, coaching and moral reasoning.

Associate Professor of Management and Organizations

Psychology of narrative, implicit beliefs, lay theories, role and identity, behavioral ethics.

John Seely Brown Distinguished University Professor of Complexity, Social Science, and Management
Williamson Family Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations, Ross
Professor of Political Science, Professor of Complex Systems, Professor of Economics, LS&A

The function of diversity in complex social systems, the potential for collective intelligence, and the design of institutions for meeting the challenges of a complex world.

William Russell Kelly Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations

Design thinking, innovation, cross-cultural collaborations, emotional aperture, emotional intelligence, and leading organizational change.

Professor of Management and Organizations
Professor of Psychology

Business ethics, Thomist metaphysics, business applications of Catholic social teaching and the social and spiritual dimensions of life in organizations.

Associate Dean for Executive and Corporate Relations
Keith E. and Valerie J. Alessi Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations

Thriving at work, leadership and positive organizational scholarship and the role of employee empowerment and leadership development, particularly within a context of organizational change and decline.

A.F. Thurnau Professor
Gerald and Esther Carey Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management & Organizations
Professor of Strategy

Corporation in society, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance; exploring the purpose, accountability, and control of the firm (and even more generally, business itself) in society.


Performance and social consequences of inequality and hierarchy; perceptual (in)accuracy of status hierarchy and its implications for performance, leader-follower relationships, proactive work behaviors, DEI initiatives, and team effectiveness; micro-social networks, diversity, team dynamics, conflict.

Professor of Marketing
Chair of Marketing

Group decision-making, social influence in choice decisions and impact of social network, Bayesian and econometric modeling of complex consumer choice decisions and consumption experiences, and psychology-based market response modeling.

Associate Professor of Marketing
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow
Marketing Faculty Doctoral Coordinator

Empirical Industrial Organization: product competition and retail competition. The relationship between market structure, product provision and price discrimination, and the relationship between beliefs and utility.

Joseph Handleman Professor of Marketing
Professor of Statistics

Modeling choice behavior; dynamic models of advertising, promotion, and variety-seeking; optimal stopping and cutoffs; decision theory, statistics, and Bayesian econometrics; and the interface between marketing, operations management, and engineering.

Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing

Advertising budgeting and repetition, emotion in advertising, non-verbal processes and effects, brand personality and brand equity, brand building and brand management, global branding issues, global consumer culture and marketing issues in emerging economies, Asian consumers, advertising budgeting and repetition, and marketing communications.

Associate Professor of Marketing

Judgement and decision making in consumer behavior, specifically systematic biases in self assessment such as over- and under-estimation of ability and the effects of such biases on product choice.

Assistant Professor

Applying theory-driven models and experimentation to empirically analyze marketing data with the goal of improving firm strategy and better understanding consumer behavior with a focus on matching markets, platform design, advertising, and behavioral economics.

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Online platform design, search rankings, seller and content creator incentives, online community growth, dynamic pricing, experiments on online platforms.

Dwight F. Benton Professor of Marketing

Influence of sensory inputs on consumers’ perceptions, judgments, and decisions; sensory marketing; sensory imagery; mental simulation; food and health decisions; corporate social responsibility; charitable behavior; voting behavior.

Isadore and Leon Winkelman Professor of Marketing

Big data, response models, resource allocation, advertising, new product adoption, social networks, models of firm behavior, Bayesian econometrics, empirical industrial organization, statistics, and discrete choice models.

Professor of Marketing

Consumers as co-creators of value, customer-firm interactions, consumer heterogeneity and personalized experiences, market as a forum, experience innovation, experience networks, information infrastructure, consumer-to-consumer interactions, consumer communities, word-of-mouth, and discursive theory of the market.

Associate Professor of Marketing

Financial decision making, shopping, intertemporal choice, loss aversion, emotion and decision making, and behavioral economics. The emotional causes and consequences of consumer financial decisionmaking, with a particular interest in the behavior of tightwads and spendthrifts.

Arnold M. and Linda T. Jacob Faculty Fellow
Associate Professor of Marketing

Interactive marketing, ecommerce, retailing, online advertising, digital media consumption, customer relationship management; Bayesian econometrics and statistics, adaptive experiments, multi-armed bandit problems, machine learning. Customer analytics stretches managerial applications, including online display advertising, email marketing, video consumption, and word-of-mouth.

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Dwight F. Benton Professor of Marketing
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Faculty Fellow

Product portfolio management: topics such as inferring complementary/substituting relationships between products, cannibalization, consumer adoption of technology products, and strategies for multi-sided platforms. Two-sided markets, product portfolio management, brand equity, consumer adoption of technology products, consumer learning, long-term effects of marketing actions and optimal allocation of marketing budgets.

Alfred L. Edwards Collegiate Professor
University Diversity & Social Transformation Professor
Professor of Marketing

Social influences on consumption, consumer self-presentation, word of mouth communications, consumer shopping behavior; qualitative and experimental methods.

Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Wilbur K. Pierpont Collegiate Professor of Management
Professor of Marketing
Faculty Director of Diversity and Inclusion

Consumer neuroscience, decision neuroscience, cultural neuroscience, cognitive aging in consumer contexts, implicit memory for consumer information, and cross-cultural differences in memory and cognition.

Professor of Strategy
Area Chair of Strategy

How the quality and innovativeness of strategic decisions depend on firms’ internal, external, and distributed representations. This includes research on the effects of artificial intelligence, managerial cognition, and other organizational decision-making processes.

Associate Professor of Strategy
Strategy Faculty Doctoral Coordinator

The impact of interdependence on competitive, corporate, platform, and ecosystem strategies. The role of task complexity and institutional demands on organization design. Multinational corporations. Equality and productivity.

Professor of Strategy

Business model innovation, crowdsourcing, disruptive technologies, impact of technological discontinuities on ecosystems, multisided platforms, open innovation, problem solving, strategy YOU, technological innovation from the point of view of customers, and value creation and capture during innovation.

Assistant Professor of Strategy

The micro-foundations of reputation-based and human capital-based competitive advantage. Organizational misconduct, organizational authenticity, employee mobility, and research methods.

Assistant Professor of Strategy

Strategy in nascent industries, innovation, entrepreneurship, non-market strategy, businessgovernment relations, organization theory, emerging markets; qualitative methods.

Assistant Professor of Strategy

The socio-cognitive and linguistic mechanisms that shape markets and institutions. Central bank communications, entrepreneurship in nascent markets, and organizational deviance.

Professor of Strategy

The socio-cognitive structures of markets including social networks and market identities and how they affect competition. Status, theorized initially as positions in social structure, but more recently also as an important aspect of market identities, and on developing a role-theoretic perspective on reputation.

Professor of Strategy

Competitive advantage, growth strategies, global competition, emerging economies, corporate social responsibility, economic development, and global poverty.

Professor of Strategy
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow

How firms can borrow foreign institutions as a means of substituting for weak governance institutions at home, how labor market institutions impact the design and success of global business strategies, and how culture impacts the decision of where to locate foreign direct investments.

A.F. Thurnau Professor
Gerald and Esther Carey Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management & Organizations
Professor of Strategy

Corporation in society, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance; exploring the purpose, accountability, and control of the firm (and even more generally, business itself) in society.

Harvey C. Fruehauf Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Strategy
Co-Director of ICOS

Strategic management and organizational theory, with a focus on social and psychological processes in corporate governance and strategic decision making. Corporate governance and top management, institutional processes, symbolic management and social networks.

Robert G. Rodkey Collegiate Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Strategy

Corporate scope, industry dynamics, firm capabilities, entrepreneurship, innovation, Chinese economy, the role of firm capabilities in influencing the dynamics of corporate scope and the evolution of industries.

Technology & Operations
Donald C. Cook Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Technology and Operations
Chair of Technology and Operations

Mathematical models to analyze complex problems in sourcing. How bargaining power affects opportunistic pricing by suppliers, how procurement auctions should be designed to account for supplier qualification screening, quality levels, and long-term maintenance of a healthy supplier base, and how feedback affects crowdsourcing outcomes.

Professor of Technology and Operations

Revenue management, supply chain management, studies mathematical models related to supply chain management, dynamic pricing and revenue management, and market platform design.

Colonel William G. and Ann C. Svetlich Professor of Operations Research and Management
Professor of Technology & Operations
Faculty Director, Center for Value Chain Innovation

Technology and business innovation, global supply chain management, supply chain risk and resilience, (social and environmental) sustainability, supply chains and policy, health care delivery, and economic development.

Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations

Sustainable operations management, food waste, online platforms, water management.

Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations

Using analytical techniques such as mathematical modeling, optimization, statistics, and machine learning to solve practice- and data-driven problems in revenue management, pricing, supply chain management, and logistics.

Herrick Professor of Business
Professor of Technology and Operations
Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering
Faculty Director, Executive MBA Program

Supply chain management and coordination, revenue management in a variety of industries, evaluation of investment decisions in capacity and in modeling and control of production systems.

C.K. Prahalad Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Business and Engineering
Professor Emeritus of Technology and Operations
Professor Emeritus of Industrial and Operations Engineering

Design, control, and management of operations systems, with emphasis on manufacturing and supply chain systems, innovation processes, and health care systems.

Professor of Technology and Operations

Dynamic/real-time/data-driven optimization, online learning and optimization, design and analysis of near-optimal heuristic controls. Dynamic pricing and revenue management, supply chain, logistics, omni-channel and e-commerce, optimization in on-demand markets, and interface of operations with marketing, information system, and economics.

Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research
John Psarouthakis Research Professor of Manufacturing Management
Professor of Technology and Operations

Supply chain management, capacity management, value of information, optimal design of productioninventory systems, the interactions of capacity decisions and pricing policies, risk-aversion in operations, response to disruptions, auctions in energy markets, energy storage and curtailment, and financial and operational hedging.

Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations

The interdependence between social and resource networks, such as how social relationships between people or organizations influence resource acquisition, logistics and strategy, particularly in the education sector. Difficulty of managing operations in organizations and systems with high levels of social complexity, like those found in the education, health care, and public sectors.

Accenture Professor of Computer Information Systems
Professor of Technology & Operations

Digital transformation and business model innovation, leadership in digital businesses, N=1 personalization, enterprise technology architecture and business process flexibility, global resource partnership and business value of technology investments.

Professor of Technology and Operations
Dale L. Dykema Professor of Business Administration

Experimental, theoretical and empirical methods to answer questions in behavioral economics and behavioral operations management; including contracts and bargaining in supply chains, dynamic decision making in operational settings, and the use of technology to support productivity and decision-making.

Professor Emeritus of Technology and Operations

Application of Bayesian models to business and economics, including marketing research, information systems, and finance, Bayesian theory, inference, and computations.

Professor of Technology and Operations
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow

Empirical operations management, business analytics, price and revenue management, consumer behavior, competitive dynamics, network analysis, service sector, airline, hotel, and retailing.

Raymond T. J. Perring Family Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Technology and Operations
Professor of Art, School of Art and Design

Entrepreneurship, new product development, healthcare management, small-scale socio-economic design. Works with companies on new product development, the management of innovation, and process assessment and improvement; with hospitals and clinics on healthcare operations; and with nonprofits on social justice issues.

Associate Professor of Technology and Operations

Organizational transformation enabled by digital information systems.

Assistant Professor for Technology and Operations

Healthcare analytics, with a particular focus on designing and learning from clinical trials. I am interested not only in how to most efficiently run a clinical trial to compare a set of treatments, but also how to best select what should be compared within that clinical trial as well as how to derive as much value as possible from the results of the trial.

Ford Motor Company Co-Director of the Joel D. Tauber Institute for Global Operations
Associate Professor of Technology and Operations

Stochastic modeling and strategies for decisionmaking under ambiguity with applications in e-commerce retail, omnichannel retail, supply chain management, revenue management, and humanitarian logistics.

Associate Professor of Technology and Operations

Develops and applies machine learning and automated textual analysis methods to extract and quantify new financial and operating information from large-scale unstructured data, such as corporate disclosures, news reports, government documents, and social media, and blockchain, cryptocurrencies and robo-advisors.