Executive Education FAQs

If your program includes pre-read assignments, those materials will be mailed or emailed to you approximately three weeks before the program start date. All session materials are provided while you are here and are not available before the start of the program.

We accept payment in U.S. dollars only by credit card (American Express, VISA, MasterCard or Discover), wire transfer, or check. You may pay by credit card online when you register (for non-application programs).

To pay online later, please reach out to RossExecEd@umich.edu for a link to the payment center.

A unique registration number is assigned and an acknowledgment letter is available immediately when completing a registration online, or one will be sent to you the next business day when registering through customer service. This communication ensures that a place will be reserved in the program for you.

If you enroll for a program or event online, once your registration is complete, a confirmation screen will appear for you to print. This confirmation information will contain your contact information, registration details and how to access your invoice. If you register over the phone by fax, we will mail you a confirmation letter, welcome brochure, and invoice by post. Contact customer service if you need copies of any of these.

Due to the inherent costs of establishing, holding, and refilling participant slots along with associated costs of pre-course materials, there may be a fee, depending on the timing of your request.

Please see our cancellation policies for details.

Send us a note to remove you from our mailing list along with a photocopy of a mailing label you've recently received from us. Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing. Send the photocopy & note to: Customer Service University of Michigan Ross Executive Education 1000 Oakbrook Dr, Ste 300, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-6815, USA.

If you’d like to stop receiving faculty content, event invitations, and other marketing emails from Michigan Ross Executive Education, please locate the ‘Unsubscribe’ hyperlink at the bottom of any recent email you received from us. If you are unable to do this, please contact RossExecEd@umich.edu for assistance with unsubscribing. Individuals registered for an upcoming executive education program will continue to receive important updates, invoices, and other relevant program-specific communications via email. 

Endorsement letters help us evaluate your request for admission to Michigan Executive Education programs that require admission applications. For your application to be approved, we must receive a letter from a senior officer who personally knows you or is familiar with the company's future plans for you. the letter should include the following:

  • The company's objectives for nominating you to the program
  • The applicant's executive potential
  • The areas of the organization in which the company sees this applicant advancing, and 
  • Any additional relevant comments.

This letter can be emailed, or postal mailed directly to:

Admissions Committee
Executive Education
Stephen M. Ross School of Business
University of Michigan
1000 Oakbrook Dr, Ste 300
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-6815, USA

University of Michigan Ross Executive Education 1000 Oakbrook Dr, Ste 300
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-6815

USA Tel: +1.734.763.1000

People who need to reach you may call +1 734-763-1000 and give the participant's name as well as the name of the program. Urgent messages will be hand-delivered during program breaks.

Call our Customer Service Department at +1-734-763-1000, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday. Or send an e-mail to RossExecEd@umich.edu

For programs in Ann Arbor, fly into Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW), located 25 miles (40 km) east of Ann Arbor.

No. We do not provide ground transportation between the airport and the hotel. There are several options for transportation. You may rent a car, or taxi and sedan services are always available outside baggage claim at the airport, with no prior arrangements necessary. 

You may also arrange ground transportation from the Detroit Metropolitan Airport before your trip by calling our recommended ground transportation service. Visit our Transportation page for more information. For your return trip, the front desk staff at your hotel can assist you in making arrangements for ground transportation to the airport.

No, Everything takes place on the same location. You may, however, wish to rent a car to more fully experience Ann Arbor after your class sessions. Parking in the campus may be limited.

No. Effective May 1, 2010, Michigan law prohibits smoking in hotels, restaurants, and education facilities. All University of Michigan buildings by law are smoke-free.


For details on your program, please visit the web page for that program. Many programs include a sample program schedule grid. This grid indicates a typical example of when classes end and if there are typically evening sessions. For specific details, you may contact customer service at +1-734-763-1000 or e-mail RossExecEd@umich.edu.

Dress is typically business casual. Please be sure to bring a sweater or jacket, as classroom temperatures vary. See Ann Arbor's Weather Normals to determine appropriate clothing for your comfort outdoors. And check out the weather forecast at weather.com.