Learn how a Ross BBA can support your future through MREACH, a program that brings high school students from diverse backgrounds to Michigan Ross for a series of action-based learning experiences. MREACH offers insights into the college application and financial aid process, and provides academic and career preparation.

MREACH is geared toward high school students with minoritized identities who are interested in studying business. Eligible applicants include:
- 10th- and 11th-grade students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
- 12th-grade students may apply, but will be placed on a waitlist
- Students with minoritized identities interested in studying business in college, including first-generation college-bound students and students from lower socioeconomic standing (though students from all backgrounds are welcome)
- Students with a demonstrated strong academic background and high academic potential are welcome
Program sessions are held one to two Saturdays per month from August through April, typically on the Michigan Ross campus.

All eligible students are welcome to apply. In particular, we strongly encourage students with minoritized identities, including first-generation college-bound students and students from lower socioeconomic standing, who are interested in studying business in college to apply.
Application Deadline: July 15, 2024 at noon ET