
You don't need the next billion-dollar idea to consider a career in entrepreneurship. Discover how Michigan Ross students from all backgrounds and interest areas find their niche as entrepreneurs, and leverage resources to learn more about this one-of-a-kind career path.


How We Help You Get There

Meet with a career coach who can help you explore opportunities in entrepreneurship, and connect with BBA peer coaches who share an interest in launching their own businesses. Our Career Development Office (CDO) also offers career assessments, and job search coaching, and can help you identify entrepreneurial-focused opportunities on campus.

Matthew Ferguson

Matt Ferguson

Technology & Entrepreneurship Career Coach

Explore Courses that Support Entrepreneurship

Collaborate with academic and peer advisors to develop an individualized course plan to help you meet your academic and career goals. Identify courses and opportunities at Michigan Ross and across U-M that will stretch your skills and help prepare you for success. Examples of elective courses that students interested in entrepreneurship may want to consider are included below. 

Zell Lurie

Explore Opportunities from our Hub for Entrepreneurship

Join other students considering careers as entrepreneurs and venture investors through Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies (ZLI) programming. Participate in ZLI's competitions, summits, investment funds, career panels, and more to build your understanding of entrepreneurship. 

Zell Lurie Institute

Gain Real-World Entrepreneurship Experience

Experience for yourself what a career as an entrepreneur could look like. Spend a term helping a startup or company address an entrepreneurial-focused challenge through the Capstone Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAP) course for BBA seniors.

Detroit, MI
Canterbury House
Ann Arbor, MI
Develop, Launch, and Scale Your New Business Idea

Participate in our action-based curricular experiences geared toward entrepreneurial-minded students (known as REAL.START). Pitch your business plan in our annual Michigan Business Challenge, or apply for startup venture funding, mentorship, and other resources through the Desai Accelerator and TechArb Student Venture Accelerator. 


Connect with Fellow Future Entrepreneurs


A community of business leaders forms this nonprofit, committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world.


Entrepreneur & Venture Club

EVC breaks down barriers and educates students interested in entrepreneurship, venture capital, and private equity. The club aids its members in setting and reaching their goals through quality programming, networking, and club resources.

Entrepreneur & Venture Club

Hear from Students

Read up on the Michigan Ross experiences of other students considering careers as entrepreneurs. 

BBA '22
Creating Connections On and Off the Rink
As the recipient of the 2019 University of Michigan Student-Athlete Rookie of the Year Award, Strauss Mann has demonstrated that he is no stranger to hard work. This award is given to the top, first...

Read more

The Entrepreneurship Minor provides undergraduate students from any background or area of study the skills and experience to translate ideas into real impact in the arts, sciences, business, and society.

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