Course with faculty and multiple students

Take Your Leadership Development to the Next Level

Michigan Ross Distinguished Leader Certificate

Enhance your career and leadership skills by earning a Michigan Ross Distinguished Leader designation at your own pace. Connect with a customer service representative to start your journey and learn from world-renowned faculty and peers through tailored programs, executive coaching, peer-to-peer mentoring, and more.

Contact our team to discuss your individual goals, questions, and completion options, or fill out our form to let us know you're interested.    |    734-763-1000    |    Download Brochure

Certificate Interest Form

Key Benefits

Advance Your Career

Completing a Distinguished Leader Certificate strengthens your resume and skills, positioning you for growth within your organization.

Support Your Team’s Development

While earning credits for yourself, you can also encourage team members and colleagues in their career progression.

Expand Your Global Network

The Distinguished Leader Certificate connects you with top faculty and peers across industries and experience levels.

Gain a Lifetime Scholarship

Complete the full Distinguished Leader program to earn a lifetime Michigan Ross Executive Education scholarship.

Elevate Your Career with a Distinguished Leader Certificate

Upon completion, you will earn the added distinction as a Distinguished Leader alum.

Distinguished Leader Certificate earned by female student

Who Should Apply:

  • Individuals who are passionate about their leadership development.
  • Managers, directors, high potentials, and senior-level executives from all functional areas and industries who aspire to take charge and highlight their commitment to a transformative leadership journey. 
Develop Yourself and Others

At Michigan Ross, we know that two things are true of the best leaders: they never stop learning, and they commit to developing others. To support you in these important aspects of your leadership, we offer tuition scholarships and benefits as you work toward your certificate.

Level Description
Program Completion Requirement
Personal Scholarship Earned
Shared Peer Scholarship
Level 1
Complete one program and earn one credit.
Earn a 10% scholarship toward a future program enrollment.
Level 2
Complete your second program and earn a second credit.
Earn a 15% scholarship toward a future program enrollment.
Level 3
Complete your third program and earn your third credit.
Earn a 20% scholarship toward future program enrollment.
Level 4
Complete your fourth program to become a graduate of our Executive Distinguished Leader Certificate Program.
Earn a 25% scholarship applicable toward Michigan Ross Executive Education programs for life.
Earn a 50% discount voucher toward Executive Education program tuition for a five-day program. This voucher is transferable to an individual or peer once per year.
Plan Your Journey to Earn a Distinguished Leader Certificate

Step 1

Review Our Program Catalog

Explore our program catalog to find courses that match your interests. For more information, please contact us at 734-763-1000 or email

Step 2

Get Started With Your Distinguished Leader Program Today

Reach out to a customer service representative to discuss and select your first program or to learn how you can earn credit for courses you’ve already completed.

Step 3

Submit Your Approved Program Outline

Connect with our staff to finalize and submit your approved Distinguished Leader Certificate program outline.

Step 4

Earning Program Credits*

Program credits can be earned in the following ways:

Online programs: Only one eligible online program may be applied toward the DLC.

In-person programs: Earn one credit for each five-day, in-person program completed.

Step 5

Complete Your Path to Recognition

Finalize your journey by completing your fourth eligible Executive Education program. Earn a certificate and join an elite group of global business executives recognized as Michigan Ross Distinguished Leaders.

*Select programs are excluded from Distinguished Leader Certificate credit. Before you register, confirm eligibility with one of our expert program directors.

Distinguished Leader Certificate earned by male student

Contact our team to discuss your individual goals, questions, and completion options, or fill out our form to let us know you're interested.  |  734-763-1000  |  Download Brochure

Certificate Interest Form