Michigan Ross is deeply committed to seeing that all students have tools in place to be safe and healthy while abroad and the resources to respond should an emergency situation arise.

For additional information and resources to serve you when preparing to go abroad and while overseas,
see the Global Michigan website. 

Travel Health Checklist: Plan Ahead & Reach Out

You can use  the Travel Health Checklist provided by UM Health Services as a travel preparation guide.

Ross Global Education Advisors are available to answer any questions or address any concerns that you may have before you depart or while you are abroad. Contact the advisors at (734) 936-3917 or by e-mail at [email protected]Students should also fill out a Self-Guided International Travel Health Inventory & Self-Care Plan, which can be downloaded on the Global Michigan Travel Resources website, in the Health and Safety section.

Students are strongly encouraged to self-disclose any physical or mental health concerns, dietary restrictions, allergies, medications, etc. to advisors or on-site program staff in order to receive guidance in establishing a self-care plan for their time abroad. 

GeoBlue Travel Abroad Health Insurance

All University of Michigan students traveling abroad for educational reasons must be covered by GeoBlue Insurance. This insurance provides outstanding coverage for a wide range of conditions and events. Depending on the Ross global program, GeoBlue insurance may be automatically purchased for students by program staff. If this is not the case, students are required to enroll and pay for coverage themselves. Please check with your program staff to confirm whether or not you are automatically covered for the duration of your program. We strongly recommend that all students extend GeoBlue coverage for any personal travel. There is a one-time sign up fee of $5.00, and the insurance is $1.10 per day.


UHS Travel Clinic : Evaluations & Immunizations

All U-M travelers are strongly encouraged to make appointments with their family physician or University Health Service (UHS) for a physical and to determine if vaccinations are needed before travel abroad.

To ensure being seen by a medical professional, make appointments for vaccinations and physicals as soon as your travel plans are confirmed, preferably at least 6–8 weeks before departure. Please note that UHS  appointments are limited before peak travel times, and that appointments book in advance. 


U-M Travel Registry

The University of Michigan is committed to support students in the event of  an unforeseen natural disaster, or political upheaval. To best assist, the University of Michigan requires students to register University-related international travel, and encourages registration of personal travel. To register your travel, please visit the Global Michigan Travel Registry website.

Emergency Contact Numbers to Know

  • Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS)
    734.763.1131 (accepts collect calls)

  • GeoBlue Emergency Assistance
    +1 610.254.8771

  • GeoBlue Domestic Line
    +1 855.282.3517 

​     +1 610.254.5304 (collect outside the U.S.)  

  • Ross Global Initiatives Office
    734.936.3917 (M–F, 8am–5pm)

In an emergency abroad, you should
  1. Call 911 or the local equivalent.

  2. Contact your on-site director/staff, faculty member, or program lead

  3. Call the Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) at 734.763.1131.

  4. Identify yourself as a participant on a Michigan Ross program

  5. Provide your uniqname and exact location.

  6. Provide contact information, multiple forms if possible. In the event you are disconnected or need to be contacted again: phone number, e-mail, etc.

  7. Tell the dispatch officer what is wrong.

  8. Answer any additional questions.

  9. UMPD will contact a Ross Global Initiatives staff member or UM emergency responder who will return your call immediately to provide further instructions and assistance.

If this is a medical emergency, you should
  1. Go to the nearest hospital or doctor, or call the local 911 equivalent.

  2. Call your on-site director/staff, faculty member, program lead, and so on.

  3. Contact GeoBlue who can assist and monitor medical care until the situation is resolved. GeoBlue has a 24/7 emergency assistance service: +1 610.254.8771. You may also email. GeoBlue has nurses available 24/7 to answer medical questions.

  4. Once the condition is stable, contact the Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) at 734.763.1131. DPSS will contact a Global Initiatives staff member or a UM emergency responder who will contact you to provide further assistance.