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Each year Michigan Ross recognizes its faculty for their outstanding research and teaching contributions with awards, fellowships, and professorships. 

Faculty Experts

Michigan Ross is home to many globally recognized thought leaders who put their ideas into action. Ross faculty and staff are available to speak with reporters and share their unique insights and expertise on almost every business-related topic, including entrepreneurship, healthcare, positive leadership, organizational culture, technology, and social impact.

Our Faculty

The following faculty experts can be made available for comment on the following topics:   

Assistant Professor of Business Law

Business Law, White Collar Crime, Executive Legal Challenges

Thomas’ research explores the normative and conceptual foundations of corporate and white-collar crime. He writes on issues of corporate agency, legal personhood, and theories of punishment. He frequently comments on issues of criminal law and business, having appeared in media outlets including the Financial Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. He teaches Business Law topics.

NPR: Trump is hoping for one more victory. It's in his New York criminal trial

Associate Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy
Business and Economics Faculty Doctoral Coordinator

Healthcare Access, Efficiency, and Equity

Miller’s research focuses on a broad range of economic issues in healthcare, particularly the short-term and long-term effects of public policies that expand health insurance coverage, and in the effects of income on health and well-being. She teaches business economics and public policy topics.  

New York Times: The report card on guaranteed income is still incomplete

Merwin H. Waterman Collegiate Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Business Law

Leadership Transitions, Executive Diversity, Labor Law

Schipani’s research focuses primarily on corporate governance, specifically on the relationship among directors, officers, shareholders, and other stakeholders and pathways for women to obtain positions of organizational leadership. Schipani teaches business law topics.

Detroit News: These GM salaried workers will have set in-office days each week

Gilbert and Ruth Whitaker Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations

Corporate Activism, Business Ethics, Information Access

Davis’ research is broadly concerned with the corporation as a social and economic vehicle. In addition to teaching management and organizations topics, Davis is Faculty Director of Business+Impact and co-teaches the +Impact Studio’s award-winning course on designing equitable enterprises for a just energy transition.

The Guardian: Billionaires are endorsing Trump - but is that a bad bargain for them?

Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations

K-12 Education, Education Operations, AI in Ed Tech

Keppler’s expertise is in the application of operations management theories to the education sector. Her research derives insights about how to improve education operations, or the management of human and material resources in public schools, educational nonprofits, and edtech companies. A former high school educator in New York City, Keppler teaches technology and operations topics at Ross.

The Conversation: Teachers feel most productive when they use AI for teaching strategies

Associate Professor of Business Law

Banking Policy, Reform, and Regulation

Research by Kress focuses on bank regulation, systematic risk, and financial stability. He has presented his research to Congress and serves as a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Education and Industry Forum on Financial Services Culture. His work has appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Financial Times, and Bloomberg News.

New York Times: Trump's executive orders leave imprint on the Fed

Assistant Professor of Business Law

Housing, Urban Development, and Land Use Policy

Connolly’s research primarily focuses on issues of public and private regulation of land use and their relationship to housing affordability and urban redevelopment. He has written on First Amendment related to local government regulation as well as fair housing matters in local planning and zoning. His work on these topics has included filing a U.S. Supreme Court amicus curiae brief and serving as an expert witness in cases involving these and other land use topics. Prior to Ross, Connolly spent over a decade in private law practice in Denver, where he represented public- and private-sector clients in zoning, planning, development entitlements, and other complex regulatory matters.

The Conversation: Colorado takes a new - and likely more effective - approach to the housing crisis

Clinical Assistant Professor of Marketing

Culture, Branding, Advertising, and Social Media

Collins is a leader in the studies of brand strategy and consumer behavior,  creating culturally contagious ideas that inspire people to take action. His strategies and creative contributions have led to the launch and success of Budweiser’s “Made In America” music festival, the Brooklyn Nets (Hello Brooklyn!), and State Farm’s “Cliff Paul” campaign – among others. In addition to teaching executive education marketing, Collins serves as the Chief Strategy Officer at Wieden+Kennedy New York.

MIT Sloan Management Review: The new challenges of brand management

Professor of Technology and Operations
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow

Supply Chain, AI, and Machine Learning Operations

Li’s research focuses revenue management, supply chain risks, and corporate social responsibility. She has collaborated with airlines, hotels, retailers, and tech manufacturers, implementing innovative pricing and risk management strategies. Additionally, her research has been about improving the wellbeing of children and young adults through better education and care. She teaches technology and operations.

Newsweek: Students may get lower grades based on their surnames

Professor of Management & Organizations
Professor of Environment and Sustainability
Holcim (US), Inc. Professor of Sustainable Enterprise

Sustainability, Climate Change, and Corporate Governance and Ethics

Hoffman’s research uses organizational behavior models and theories to understand the cultural and institutional aspects of environmental issues for organizations; ​​He has published over 100 articles/book chapters, as well as 18 books, which have been translated into six languages. He teaches management and organizational topics.

The Conversation: Americans face an insurability crisis as climate change worsens disasters - a look at how insurance companies set rates and coverage

Dow Professor of Sustainable Science, Technology and Commerce
Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy
Professor of Environment and Sustainability

Sustainability, Climate Change, and Greenwashing

Lyon’s research focuses on corporate environmental information disclosure, greenwash, the causes and consequences of renewable energy policy, and voluntary programs for environmental improvement. Lyon is a leader in using economic analysis to understand corporate environmental strategy and how it is shaped by emerging government regulations, non-governmental organizations, and consumer demands. He teaches business economics and public policy topics.

Forbes: The great ESG retreat?

Ford Motor Company Co-Director of the Joel D. Tauber Institute for Global Operations
Associate Professor of Technology and Operations

Retail Technology and Manufacturing Operations

Uichanco’s research primarily focuses on data-driven decision-making for applications such as scheduling, inventory management, revenue management, and humanitarian logistics. Uichanco has collaborated actively with industry or government partners such as Target, National Grid, Best Buy, and the Philippine government. She recently served as a Senior Research Scientist at Amazon. She is co-director of the Tauber Institute for Global Operations and teaches technology and operations.

Business & Society Podcast: Retail in the Age of Amazon and Machine Learning

Dwight F. Benton Professor of Marketing

Consumer Behavior, Sustainability and Sensory Marketing

Krishna is a behavioral scientist who is an expert on consumer perception and consumer persuasion. In studying perception and persuasion, she has focused on a variety of topics – sensory marketing, food, health and obesity, gender-related issues, environmental perceptions, corporate political activism, voting behavior, and cause marketing. She is considered the pioneer of sensory marketing, where she delves into the profound, yet often overlooked, non-conscious effects of sensory stimuli on consumer behavior and perception. Her research has been covered by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time, and Newsweek. She is a sought-after speaker by firms and is also an expert witness for cases involving customer perceptions and customer confusion.

The Guardian: Marketing a tote bag as reusable is silly. Let's say no to more stuff

Associate Professor of Marketing

Consumer Behavior, Relationship Finance, and Marketing Strategy

Rick's research focuses on understanding the emotional causes and consequences of consumer financial decision-making. The overarching goal of his work is to understand when and why consumers behave differently than they should behave and to develop marketing and policy interventions to improve consumers' decision-making and well-being. He teaches marketing.

The Conversation: How much do you need to know about how your spouse spends money? Maybe less than you think

Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations

Data Privacy, Security, and Risk

Momot’s expertise includes consumer privacy, operations management in interconnected information-based economies, platforms and marketplaces, and social networks. He has presented his research at Facebook, Pinterest, and the Silicon Valley Technology Forum. He teaches technology and operations.

Kellogg Insight: How companies can do privacy better

Area Chair:Clinical Assistant Professor:Entrepreneurial Studies

Entrepreneurship, Corporate Strategy, and Venture Capital

Gordon’s interests focus on entrepreneurship and technology commercialization. His expertise also includes alliances and joint ventures, intellectual property strategy and licensing, and the roles and operations of board of directors. Gordon is frequently quoted in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Marketplace and other outlets. He teaches entrepreneurial studies and strategy topics.

USA Today: Trump revokes Biden order, but that doesn't mean EVs die

Associate Professor of Technology and Operations

AI Strategy, Implementation, and Ethics

Research by Melville focuses on digital transformation, energy informatics, and AI affordances. His research encompasses foundational theoretical and empirical analyses and is widely influential, with more than 9500 citations on Google Scholar. He holds membership on various editorial boards, chairs, tracks, and delivers keynote addresses at premier conferences, and is a member of the UN Environment Program’s Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES). He teaches technology and operations.

Bloomberg: Foreign bots pose threat to agency rulemaking, senator warns

Waldo O. Hildebrand Professor of Risk Management and Insurance
Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy

Healthcare Access, Health Insurance, and Public Policy

Buchmueller is an expert on the economics of health insurance and related public policies. He has done extensive research on the link between health insurance and the labor market in the U.S., consumer demand for health insurance, the interaction between public policies and private insurance markets, and health care reform. His studies have been published in France, Australia, and the Netherlands. He teaches business economics and public policy topics.

Associated Press: Posts exaggerate insurance incentives for child vaccinations

Ford Motor Company Clinical Professor of Business Administration
Senior Research Fellow, William Davidson Institute

Alleviation Poverty Through Business

London is an internationally recognized expert on the role business can play in addressing the grand challenges facing society. In particular, he focuses on business strategies that generate financial returns while also alleviating poverty. London is invited to share his research in venues across the globe and has advised dozens of leadership teams in the corporate, non-profit, and development sectors. He teaches business strategy.

Michigan Ross: Building business to combat global poverty

Professor of Strategy
Area Chair of Strategy

AI, Corporate Strategy, and Decision Making

Felipe Csaszar studies how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way companies make decisions and compete in the marketplace.  He explores how the combination of managers' cognition, organizational structure, and algorithms shape how organizations "think" and the outcomes they achieve.  His work is regularly published in academic journals such as Management Science and Strategy Science, and he has served as an expert for outlets such as Management Today and the Wall Street Journal.

Michigan Ross: AI’s transformational potential to make strategic decisions

Fast Facts

Need information about Michigan Ross? Here’s a roundup of frequently requested information. 

Official name: Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan (use on first reference)

Informal name: Michigan Ross (use on second reference)

Mission: We are committed to building a better world through business. 

  • Sharon F. Matusik, Edward J. Frey Dean of Business, Stephen M. Ross Professor of Business
  • Amy Byron-Oilar, Chief of Staff
  • Kerry Flynn, Chief Information Officer 
  • Roman Kapuscinski, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research
  • Jennifer Monaghan, Chief Marketing Officer
  • Sean O’Neil, Chief Financial Officer
  • Cathy Shakespeare, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
  • Gretchen Spreitzer, Associate Dean for Executive and Corporate Relations
  • S. Sriram, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs 
  • Carolyn Yoon, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Matt Young, Chief Advancement Officer

More information about Ross leadership

  • Year established: 1924
  • 58,000+ alumni in 107 countries 
  • 153 full-time faculty
  • 71 adjunct or visiting faculty 
  • 14 world-class institutes and centers

More Key Facts & Figures

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