EE students working together at a table
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Strategic leaders inspire their teams to move their organization forward. Do you leverage your leadership strengths to drive results? Learn to lead with more creativity, inspiration, and intensity.
EE assessment open on computer

Lead With Your Strengths

Assess your skills as a leader and identify those you need for future personal and organizational success. Our brief Learning Insights Self-Assessment, based on the Michigan Model of Leadership, offers practical insights and specific recommendations to help you align your leadership capabilities with your business goals.

Learning Insights Self-Assessment 

Insights for Executives

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beyond oversight and disclosure cover image
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Developing Future Ready Leaders
Developing Future Ready Leaders
Now Playing
Beyond Oversight and Disclosure: The Growing Need for Board ESG Education
Now Playing
[Session] Leading Digital Business Innovation in a Post-COVID World: Becoming a Livin...
Now Playing
[SESSION] High Stakes Leadership Decision Making in Times of Crisis
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Igniting the New World of HR
Now Playing
Diversity and Inclusion: Bonuses, Margins, and Systems
Now Playing
Leading Diverse Teams and Organizations: A DEI Toolkit
Now Playing
[Session] Fintech Opportunities in the New Normal
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[Session] The Future of the Healthcare Ecosystem: How COVID-19 is Accelerating Innova...
Now Playing
[SESSION] Discovering Opportunities in Crisis: Implications for individuals and organ...
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[Session] Introducing and Using An Organization Guidance System
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[SESSION] Preparing for a new normal and return to the Office in a COVID-19 world
Now Playing
[Session] Rethinking the Post Pandemic Competitive Organization
Now Playing
[Session] The Future of Global Talent Management & People Analytics
Now Playing
[SESSION] Reimagining Beyond the Restart Using Enlightened Design Thinking
Now Playing
[Session] Advancing in Today’s Dynamic Business World
Now Playing
[Session] Leading Teams to Their Full Potential
Now Playing
[SESSION] Leadership Communication in a Crisis
Now Playing
[SESSION] How to Make Working From Home Work for You: Advice from the Gig Economy
Now Playing
[Session] Social Emotional Intelligence: More Important Now than Ever
Now Playing
[SESSION] Why Remote Work Makes Teams and Leaders Better
Now Playing
[SESSION] Navigating Brands Through the COVID Maelstrom
Now Playing
[SESSION] Preparing For a New Era of Frugal Customers
Now Playing
[SESSION] Riding the Wave of Consumer-Behavior Change for Sustained Performance
Now Playing
[SESSION] The Utility of the Network
Now Playing
[Session] Global Challenges and Local Responses
Now Playing
[Session] Data-Driven Decision Making for Value Creation
Now Playing
[SESSION] Global Supply Chain Resiliency
Now Playing
[SESSION] Reactive and Proactive Digital Transformation: Implications from COVID
Now Playing
Upcoming Events

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