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COVID-19: Ross Community Safety Team Established to Ensure Safety is Top of Mind at Michigan Ross


In preparation for the fall term, the Ross Community Safety Team was created with the purpose of educating the Ross School of Business community about the new COVID-19 safety procedures implemented at Ross. 

Around 30 Ross staff members were recruited to help monitor the Ross campus throughout the day to ensure school guidelines are being followed. Stationary staff also monitor the large study spaces and interview suites throughout the Ross campus. Additionally, they are available to respond to questions or concerns about safety policies. 

“I want to acknowledge and thank our Ross Community Safety Team for their commitment to serving our community and keeping all of us as safe as possible,” said Scott DeRue, Edward J. Frey Dean of Michigan Ross. “I am incredibly grateful for their time and commitment.”

Just a few weeks into the semester, the new safety efforts and the work being done by Ross Community Safety Team has already received positive feedback from students. 

“Everyone is wearing a mask and there are greeters at the building entrances ensuring students have completed the ResponsiBlue Health Screening survey,” said Shannon Ors, BBA ‘21. “In the classroom, everyone is spaced out and the professors have done a great job balancing the needs of students attending the class remotely and in-person.” 

Jacqueline Kenny, BBA ‘21, is another student attending classes in-person this semester who said she is grateful for the safety measures that have been put in place. 

“I've really enjoyed being able to come back to Ross not just to take my hybrid classes, but also to use all of the study spaces around the buildings,” explained Kenny. “Even though it's certainly not the Ross we knew from years prior, doing work in the spaced-out Winter Garden and using study rooms has felt somewhat normal, which is something I've really appreciated and taken advantage of in the first few weeks of class.” 

Hollya Israil, BBA ‘21, also shared that she has felt safe coming to Ross to attend classes. 

“At one point I arrived early to my class and had a cleaning crew employee direct me to the section of the room that had been sanitized to find a seat,” said Israil. “Overall, it seems as if Ross has considered all of the COVID-19 safety regulations for Michigan while creating all of these changes.”