Alexis Kantaris, Online MBA '22
With a Marine Corps career father, Alexis Kantaris is no stranger to new challenges. Before she was 14, she moved nine times and lived in seven different states. Her strong military background led her to enroll in the Naval ROTC at Auburn University. After graduation and her first deployment, Alexis found herself the main candidate to become the Marine Officer Instructor at the University of Michigan's Naval ROTC Unit.
A master's in business gives me so much versatility, especially since the Marine Corps operates like a business with the same types of leaders.
When she first got to campus, Alexis wasn't familiar with Michigan Ross until a coworker who was in the full-time MBA program gave her some great insights into the benefits of a Ross MBA, including the program's focus on action-based learning. Alexis quickly realized how an MBA could enhance her career. "A master's in business will offer me so much versatility, especially since the Marine Corps operates like a business with the same types of leaders," states Alexis.
"I work with a lot of companies who supply equipment to the military, so it's important that I understand how the supply chain and logistics processes work. A Ross MBA will give me the knowledge and experience I need to succeed."
Another primary consideration for Alexis was a program that could work around her active duty lifestyle. "I felt that the Ross Online MBA would allow a lot of flexibility and be a perfect fit with my transient lifestyle, especially since I return to the operational force in 2022. "When looking at schools that offered online programs, I also liked how Ross allows me to be able to take certain electives in person if I'm in the immediate area. This flexibility is the main reason that I chose Ross over the other universities I researched."
Alexis was also pleasantly surprised by how supportive everyone is at Ross and how they want you to succeed. When talking with others who have completed master's programs at different schools, she found that some envied the level of guidance and support available at Ross compared to their programs.
It's nice to receive compassion from people that you respect — people who are telling you it's okay if you don't know everything, and that you're a lot better off than you think you are.
A great example of this type of support occurred in her accounting class. Alexis emailed her teaching assistant about a question that she felt intimidated asking in class. "The TA was just so nice. She immediately scheduled a Zoom call with me, and we worked through the question. It left me with the confidence to say, "Hey, I got this." It is nice to receive compassion from people that you respect — people who are telling you it's okay if you don't know everything, and that you're a lot better off than you think you are."
When asked what she would tell other students about applying for the program, Alexis thinks everyone should take their shot. "It's competitive to get in, but Ross looks at you as a total package, and they value the different kinds of experience you bring to the table. And even though you are online, you're still interacting with other students and talking with the professors. Ross has been so amazing and welcoming. I am humbled to have this opportunity to be a part of the Michigan family."