Image of Dwight Smith

Dwight Smith, EMBA '24

From the West Coast to Ann Arbor, Dublin, and Beyond

Dwight Smith, EMBA ’24, is a seasoned engineering manager who has traveled up and down the West Coast for years, spearheading engineering projects in various roles. Midway through his career, Dwight faced a significant challenge with a Type-1 Diabetes diagnosis. This tested him personally and professionally. However, it spurred profound changes. He revamped his lifestyle, diet, and exercise regimen and dove into research on diabetes management technology. Now, he is healthier than ever. This experience ignited his entrepreneurial spirit, leading him to pursue an Executive MBA at Michigan Ross. 

Dwight's journey into the program started with meticulous research. 

"I'm an engineer and a bit of a numbers nerd, Dwight said. “I had spreadsheets comparing different programs, considering everything from travel distance to schedule, costs, and ranking." 

Ultimately, Dwight chose the Ross School of Business EMBA Program, a business school three time zones away from his current home.  Although he lives in Seattle, Dwight chose to attend the Ann Arbor campus because he was interested in expanding his network. 

“I wanted to learn from people who are in a different geography than me and who think differently than me. I also love to travel, so this lets me get a different cultural experience than the West Coast,” Dwight said. 

Dwight also noted that the structure of the Michigan Ross EMBA offers him more flexibility to keep up with his work and life, another factor in his initial decision to attend. 

"The residency format is well-designed,” Dwight said. “It gives us enough time to work on assignments and prepare for classes without feeling overwhelmed."

Learning by Doing and Going Global with ExecMAP

One of the things that differentiates Michigan Ross from other EMBA programs that Dwight considered is the Executive Multidisciplinary Action Project, where students explore a parallel industry or functional role in the United States or abroad. Dwight’s ExecMAP took him to Ireland to work with a company that provides entrepreneurial training. 

"We helped The Entrepreneurs Academy strategize ways to expand their business internationally and collaborate with other universities,” Dwight said. “It was a standout experience. Working with The Entrepreneur’s Academy in Ireland provided invaluable real-world experience and the opportunity to see our recommendations put into action."

Searching for a Business

Dwight entered the EMBA program with three potential ways to leverage his new MBA learnings: first, continuing in his current career in engineering management and public administration; second, transitioning to a leadership role in data center delivery; and third, keeping an open mind to potentially discover a new career path. The third option materialized when Dwight learned about Entrepreneurship through Acquisition in his Entrepreneurial Ventures class in the summer of 2023.

Throughout Dwight's second year in the EMBA program, he delved into ETA, networking with other searchers, small business owners, and private equity investors. He also joined the Michigan Ross Zell Lurie Institute ETA Mentorship program, led by David Hiemstra, who teaches an ETA class in the full-time Ross MBA program. The group of 20 MBA students collaborated to deepen their understanding of ETA by attending conferences, sharing experiences, and learning from guest speakers in the industry, including lawyers, accountants, private equity investors, searchers, and small business operators. 

There are many different paths to take in ETA, and Dwight has decided to pursue a self-funded search. On his website,, he states, "Throughout my career, I've forged partnerships with numerous small businesses, fueling my curiosity for diverse industries. As the founder of Continued Capital, LLC, I'm committed to providing a business owner with a succession opportunity and facilitating a seamless transition for the long-term success of the company."

Reflecting on the program as a whole, Dwight says, "Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and do something that may not be familiar to you. Throughout my journey, I've cherished learning not only from the esteemed faculty but also from the diverse perspectives and experiences of my classmates from Ann Arbor, Los Angeles, and across the United States."