Robbie Austin, MM '16
After completing her undergraduate degree in Communication Studies at the University of Michigan, Robbie sought to gain a competitive grounding in graduate-level business fundamentals.
“I realized the Master of Management program’s well-rounded curriculum at a top-ranked business school provided a key advantage in expanding my future career horizon.”
And her career is off to a great start: Robbie works in the Bureau of Human Resources at the U.S. Department of State. Specifically, she works in the HR function supporting the Franklin Fellows Program, a partnership in which professionals from the private sector and academia contribute their expertise on a diverse array of global policy issues.
She attained the job through building connections during a previous internship in the Office of Recruitment, and then leveraging those connections through off-campus networking in the MM program. A main takeaway from Ross was learning how to evaluate both quantitative and qualitative data in order to address business-related questions and issues.
“Through working on case studies in teams, I learned to better identify essential elements involved in multinational scenarios, a skill that translates well to the work of the State Department.”