Roman Kapuscinski
Value of Information in Capacitated Supply Chains

The paper "Value of Information in Capacitated Supply Chains" by Professor Roman Kapuscinski and his co-authors was published in Management Science in 1999. This paper contributed significantly to the understanding of how information sharing impacts the performance of supply chains. Specifically, this paper turned on its head the notion that information would be most valuable in settings where capacity is tight, when the uncertainty of demand is huge, and when the costs of unsatisfying demand are very high. The paper uses careful, rigorous analyses to reveal when information is most valuable and how the value depends on many interrelated factors. Providing an innovative analytical model, Kapuscinski and his colleagues demonstrated when and how the sharing of demand information could remarkably enhance inventory management and order fulfillment for capacity-constrained supply chains. The subsequent literature in operations management has heavily referenced this pioneering work, leading to the development of practical strategies for improving supply chain efficiency through information sharing. Further studies have explored different facets of information sharing in diverse supply chain settings and have considered more complex forms of information, extending the paper's impact in many directions within operations.