Brett Wolff
My name is Brett Wolff, and I am a Master of Business Analytics student, class of 2025. I grew up in South Florida with an older sister and two golden retrievers. I am huge Wolverine's fan, very much enjoy playing pickup basketball and volleyball, and I love to learn new things.
I had always been interested in business, so my college search was focused on undergraduate business schools, while also looking for a place that would allow me to explore my intellectual curiosities and offer the full "big school" experience. Michigan was naturally my first choice, and the day I got in was one of the best days of my life. As I progressed through business school, I, like many BBAs, found myself gravitating towards the finance world. I began recruiting investment banking internships and completed two banking internships at Houlihan Lokey in their technology M&A practice. These internships were invaluable experience. I learned a lot, but most importantly, I learned that I did not want to be an investment banker. To no fault of Houlihan Lokey, I simply did not have the passion for banking that I thought I had. Luckily, right before course registration for the winter semester of my junior year, Dr. Koksalan emailed the entire Ross undergraduate community about a class that he was going to teach, TO 425.
I took his class and loved it. So when I came away from my second internship, I was prepared to pivot into "something like TO 425". This set me down a path of taking every TO (technology and operations) elective that Ross offered. The more of these classes I took, the more confident I was that this content was my future. My favorite classes during undergrad were (as previously mentioned) TO 425, TO 414 with Dr. Kumar, and TO 420 with Dr. Etzion. I am eternally grateful to these professors and their classes, as well as the other Ross professors who were invaluable to my pivot towards what I will call for now loosely "TO".
In continued pursuit of this newfound passion, I explored Masters programs in business analytics/data science. Given the incredible 4 years I had as a BBA, Michigan Ross was, once again, naturally my top choice. At the time of writing, I have completed the summer and fall semesters of the program, and I can wholeheartedly endorse the MBAn program at Ross. I have learned so much practical knowledge within the data science and analytics domains, have honed my passions, and made great friends. As I look to the future, I know that whatever successes I achieve will all be possible because of the time I spend in Ann Arbor, learning and growing at "The Best University in the World!"