Elena Helmers-Wegman

Elena Helmers-Wegman

Class of 2026

I was previously based in Washington, DC at a nonprofit think tank, where I developed and deployed philanthropic investment strategies in the biomedical research and health space. I worked at the nexus of strategy and implementation, and enjoyed focusing on impact returns and research infrastructure innovation. However, I knew that I wanted to adopt a a stronger business mindset and deepen my understanding of the US healthcare system as a whole.

At University of Michigan, I'm a dual degree student at Ross and the School of Public Health. I'm interested in healthcare financing, access to care, and innovation economics. I knew Ross was the right fit for me because of the people and opportunity to get involved in social impact-related activities. I serve as the Health investment co-lead for the Social Venture Fund and have uncovered a passion for the venture space!

In my free time, I enjoy sampling Michigan's (many) local craft beers with my partner, checking out new Ann Arbor spots, and tailgating for UM football games!

I'm happy to talk about all things healthcare, impact, dual degrees, partners, and life in Ann Arbor. Don't hesitate to reach out!