

Class of 2026

Hi! My name is Hannah and I am a junior here at the Ross School of Business concentrating in marketing and minoring in Asian Languages and Cultures (Korean) from Bergen County, New Jersey. As an out-of-state student, I wasn’t sure what to expect matriculating at such a large institution but I have not regretted my decision once since beginning my time at Michigan!

Ann Arbor is the perfect place for your undergraduate years; you experience the comfort of a campus and community built upon school spirit without forgoing the plentiful entertainment offerings of a city. The incredible relationships I have formed with my professors and peers have not only increased my confidence but also allowed me to further understand diverse perspectives.

After participating in Ross Preview Weekend, I knew that Ross was the right place for me and I could not be more grateful for the opportunities I’ve been afforded to explore the world  through various study abroad programs (South Korea, Milan, & Barcelona).

In my free time, I love reading, watching movies, and trying new restaurants with my friends. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! It would be my pleasure to share my experiences and help you decide if Michigan/Ross is the right place for you. Go Blue!

Where is your favorite place to eat in Ann Arbor?
Amer’s Deli! My favorite sandwich is #45, Foul Weather

Current Involvement: 
Phi Chi Theta Business Fraternity - VP Finance, Media Director, Marketing Director
Gowns for Good
Ross Global Buddy
Sigma Kappa Sorority - Internal Social Chairwoman, Public Relations & Merchandise Committee

Past involvement: 
EnCore Dance Team