Nicolette Wolny Carrillo
My career has been within the biotech field with a focus on developing microbiology focused diagnostic products; from the technical side at the bench, broader product development, and support following launch. My aim was to help improve patient's care journeys by building products that would improve personalized care. My main portfolio buckets were focused on DNA sequencing as well as Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing.
My passion for improving patients healthcare experience as well as access to high quality care directed me to graduate school. I did a make your own dual degree program by completing my Master of Public Health (MPH) at Johns Hopkins University before pursing my MBA at Ross. I focused my MPH around health equity, health advocacy, as well as community-based public health practices. I was able to complete two strategy focused internships with a community health and innovation team within the Hopkins ecosystem as well as with a payer-provider to broaden my healthcare background. The summer between my MBA1 and MBA2 year I also completed an internship with Optum Insight, which is part of UnitedHealth Group.
My goal is to combine this knowledge and skillset with an action-based business program with a focus on the healthcare industry. I chose Ross because of the multiple opportunities for students to make an impact, academic excellence, as well as for the embracing and supportive community of both students and alumni.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions around healthcare, biotech, partners in and away from Ann Arbor, having a dog(s) in graduate school, navigating graduate school (balance, what is it?), and any other topics you think I would be a resource for!