Shreya Subramaniam

Shreya Subramaniam

Class of 2026

I’m an economist by training and education, looking to enter consulting. Prior to Ross, I worked in the field of macroeconomic analysis, intelligence and forecasting. My experience spans a host of industries—from Indian policymaking institutions like the Reserve Bank of India to global media companies like The Economist, to financial services firms like NatWest Group. My work involved transforming data into forward-looking actionable insights that aided clients make informed decisions in an ever-changing world. 

Ross’s appeal stemmed from its students and alumni’s openness and willingness to help, which set a strong precedent for its sense of community. A highlight of my application process was the tremendous amount of support and encouragement I received from current students. Additionally, Ross’s emphasis on experiential learning (cue MAP) and curriculum flexibility truly set it apart. And it’s not all work! I was drawn to a myriad of student club offerings and other fun activities like the Ross Bus, all of which help bring the student experience together.

Outside of Ross, I’m an avid weightlifter (started powerlifting earlier this year), a history nerd, and a true-crime fan. I’m also a strong advocate of women’s empowerment, disability rights, and all things DE&I and allyship. B-school is all about balancing your physical and mental health with recruiting, school and fun. Anxious about it? Let’s connect!