Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Hi, my name is Viveca, I am from Redondo Beach, California and am a second year BBA student. Currently I am concentrating in consulting and entertainment. I love exploring the bridge between visual storytelling and business.
My first year at Ross was more than I had ever imagined! I tried my best to learn from upperclassmen and use all the resources Ross provides, namely the career development and the academic advising offices. It was an amazing experience being able to fold into such a supportive community as well one that pushed me to be the best version of myself.
I love how collaborative Ross is. It has allowed me the opportunity to meet many people from all walks of life. The collaboration and hands-on learning is something that was a major factor in deciding to come here. I am able to learn from and work with professors who are also currently working in their respective fields. Ross allows me the space to apply the theory I learn in class through real world application in controlled environments.
I am beyond happy to be a part of the Ross community, and I'd love to answer any questions you may have, from student life to the workload and curriculum. Go Blue!
What is your favorite Starbucks drink? My go to order is an iced caramel Macchiato with almond milk, extra caramel, and whipped cream!
Current Involvement: Entertainment and Media Club, the Black Business Undergraduate Society (BBUS), BBA Ambassador, BBA Peer mentor, Michigan Women in Business
Past involvement: M-agination (crew)