Kim Cameron

Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations

PHD Yale University 1978
MA Yale University 1976
MS Brigham Young University 1971
BS Brigham Young University 1970

Kim Cameron is William Russell Kelly Professor of Management and Organizations in the Ross School of Business and Professor of Higher Education in the School of Education.    His past research on organizational virtuousness, downsizing, effectiveness, corporate quality culture, and the development of leadership excellence has been published in more than 130 academic articles and 15 scholarly books. His current research focuses on virtuousness in and of organizations--such as forgiveness, gratitude, kindness, and compassion--and their relationship to performance.  He is one of the co-founders of the Center for Positive Organizations at the University of Michigan and has served as Dean at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, Associate Dean in the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University, and Associate Dean and department chair at the University of Michigan.  He was recognized as among the top ten organizational scholars in the world whose work has been most frequently downloaded on Google.

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Featured Books
Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship
Kim S. Cameron (editor), and Gretchen M Spreitzer (editor)
Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) is an umbrella concept used to emphasize what elevates and what is inspiring to individuals and organizations by defining and improving on the challenging, broken, and needlessly difficult. POS focuses attention on the generative dynamics in organizations that lead to the development of human strength, foster resiliency in employees, enable healing and...
Positive Organizational Scholarship
Jane E. Dutton (editor), Robert E. Quinn (editor), and Kim Cameron (editor)
In helping establish a new field of study in the organizational sciences, POS, this book examines a variety of positive dynamics in businesses and organizations that give rise to extraordinary outcomes. Positive Organizational Scholarship does not adopt one particular theory or framework, but encompasses any phenomenon that leads to positive, nurturing results. This collection of essays, written...
Developing Management Skills
David Whetten and Kim Cameron
With an emphasis on self-assessments, Developing Management Skills gets readers involved in the learning experience, helping them connect the theories to their own lives. Further, this text focuses on developing the ten essential skills needed for success and gives readers tangible goals to work towards.
Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture
Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn
This key resource provides a means of understanding and changing organizational culture in order to make organizations more effective. It provides validated instruments for diagnosing organizational culture and management competency; a theoretical framework (competing values) for understanding organizational culture; and a systematic strategy and methodology for changing organizational culture and...
Positive Leadership - Revised Edition
Kim Cameron
Leadership should be about much more than hitting targets and avoiding mistakes. Kim Cameron shows how to reach beyond ordinary success to achieve extraordinary effectiveness, spectacular results, and what he calls "positively deviant performance"—performance far above the norm. Positive Leadership enables thriving and flourishing rather than simply addressing obstacles and impediments. It helps...
Practicing Positive Leadership
Kim Cameron
Over a decade ago, Kim Cameron and some colleagues decided that rather than analyze what went terribly wrong with organizations and how to prevent it, they would look at what went extraordinarily right and how to replicate it. This was the birth of positive organizational scholarship, a new field that focused on what they called “positive deviance”—outcomes that far exceeded normal success. In his...