Make the Most of Your Experience

There are plenty of ways to get involved beyond the classroom as a Master of Business Analytics student. Join a graduate club with peers who share your interests; pursue a passion project through our centers, institutes, and initiatives; or take on a leadership position in student government.

Master of Business Analytics Student Association 

The Master of Business Analytics Student Association encourages camaraderie through informative, philanthropic, and collaborative activities such as intramural sports, celebratory dinners, volunteer outings, and tailgates. All students are eligible to run for leadership positions in the MBAn Student Association, and can enter by completing our intent-to-run survey. Elections are held at orientation. 

One-Year Master's Council 

The One-Year Master's Council consists of the executive members of the Master of Business Analytics, Master of Accounting, Master of Management, and Master of Supply Chain Management student associations, as well as three cross-program chairs who seek to represent the collective one-year master's student population equally in all matters of business. Cross-program chairs include Philanthropy, Athletics, and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). These positions are elected annually at orientation and rotate among the four degree programs. 

Student Graduate Clubs
As a student-run organization addressing business, culture and other non-political issues, Greater China Association (GCA) aims to strengthen the bonds among current GCA students, serve as a focal point of communication among GCA alumni and students, promote Greater China's role in world economy and its culture in the Ross community, and promote Ross brand in GC areas to potential applicants.
Mission: The Human Capital Club at the Michigan Business School promotes the understanding and integration of human capital and other organizational strategy issues in business practice through the education and development of its members. Objectives The HCC fulfills its mission by: *Developing and facilitating educational opportunities for its members to learn about organizational strategy and relevant areas of interest, both in theory and practice. *Providing members with career resources to guide them through career development while at Michigan Ross *Establishing a network of resources both within and beyond the university community through which its members may help further professional knowledge and understanding beyond their formal education. *Serving as the conduit between individuals passionate about organizational strategy and faculty, to ensure that the university environment supports engagement in the field throughout the curriculum and campus.
The Indian Subcontinent Business Association is a student club dedicated to helping students of Indian subcontinent origin transition into business school life, promoting awareness about the subcontinent among the larger business school community and encouraging social and professional interaction among students from the subcontinent. ISBA is focused on helping its members excel professionally and socially. Feel free to contact any ISBA board member to know more about how we can help you.
The Japan Business Association seeks to promote a deeper understanding of Japanese business culture and practices throughout the Ross community. We aim to build and further the awareness of the Ross MBA in Japan, and to assist both prospective and admitted students in their transition to Ross. As the primary link between the Ross School of Business and the Ross Alumni Club of Japan, we also maintain and develop new networking and professional opportunities for our members, both domestically and internationally.
Korea Business Club at Ross is a graduate student organization open to all MBA students who are interested in Korean cultures, communities and businesses. We provide information, resources, tools and guidance to members for careers in Korea and promote a deeper understanding of Korean business culture within the Ross community.

Based on the philosophy of Sheryl Sandberg’s book ‘Lean In’, we aim to facilitate open dialogues about pertinent issues facing men and women. Using an intersectional framework, we bring together people from diverse backgrounds who are all united by the same vested interest in gender equality. We envision a global revolution that embraces women’s capabilities, starting here, with the University of Michigan.

The Maize & Brew Club is a non-profit organization devoted to the appreciation, drinking, and brewing of beer as well as a resource for students interested in entering the beer industry. Maize & Brew's goal is educate members about the characteristics of beer, beer making processes, industries, and provide action-based learning opportunities through educational series and corporate business operations tours. Join today and Maize & Brew will keep you up-to-date on all-things-beer here in Ann Arbor, including brewing events, brewery tours, and happy hours. Plus, we'll be co-sponsoring events with other clubs including dinners and charitable fundraisers. Prost!
ABOUT US A non-denominational Christian community at the Ross School of Business dedicated to sharing God's love, encouraging its members, and growing in our faith together. WHY We are devoted to understanding how and why the Christian faith informs both our professional and personal life decisions. We aim to better understand the intersections between faith and the business world while also rejoicing in His enduring love and the amazing blessings that come with it. In addition, we support each other through shared experiences and bear one another's burden" in order to "spur one another on to love and good deeds." If you don't know about Christianity, and want to find out more, we welcome your questions and would love to dialogue with you.
Erb Institute students

Go Further with Centers, Institutes, and Initiatives 

Expand your business experience with innovative projects and research opportunities offered through our centers, institutes, and initiatives. Whether you're interested in corporate sustainability, positive business, or tackling complex social challenges, there are endless ways to get involved.

Centers, Institutes & Initiatives

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