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Analytics All-Stars: Meet the Michigan Ross Master of Business Analytics Class of 2025

A large crowd of students talking in the lobby of the Ross building with maize and blue balloons in the background

In June, the Ross School of Business welcomed a new cohort of talented students from around the world to its Master of Business Analytics Program.

The Michigan Ross MBAn Class of 2025 is comprised of 66 students hailing from 34 undergraduate institutions across 10 countries. Forty-four percent of the class is women, and the students represent 27 different undergraduate major backgrounds. The class also comes to Ross with a highly impressive academic record, with an incoming GPA of 3.72.

This cohort of students will be the third to complete the 10-month program at Michigan Ross since the degree was added as a One-Year Master’s option in 2022. The MBAn degree has quickly proved to be highly in demand and has created successful outcomes for graduates, with 94% of students accepting job offers within six months of graduation at companies like Deloitte, Capital One, and EY.

The Class of 2025 is already hard at work in the STEM-designated program, completing courses in their Summer term covering statistics, programming, and business immersion.

Below, meet six members of the MBAn Class of 2025.

Makayla Beardsley, MBAn ’25


Grand Rapids, Michigan

Undergraduate school and major

Attended the University of Michigan, majoring in data science.

What is your post-graduation career interest?

Business intelligence analyst/analytics manager with hopes to eventually come back to teach at a university level.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MBAn Program?

I was looking for more real-world experience to supplement the theoretical education that I got here during my undergraduate studies. The MBAn Program offers the Consulting Studio experience, a great group of professors, and other action-based learning experiences to provide me with opportunities that will jump-start my professional career.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

During my undergraduate degree, I taught an introductory computer science class at U-M. Through that, I interacted with people from a variety of backgrounds and multiple different levels of experience to teach them how to code. This program is full of people from a variety of educational backgrounds and while this program isn't focused on computer science principles, my experience teaching puts me at an advantage to support my colleagues and advocate for others to get the best education possible.

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

I'm definitely looking forward to interacting with my peers! During these 10 months, we're going to have a multitude of experiences together and I cannot wait to connect with others throughout this time. There are a lot of opportunities to hear different perspectives and that will definitely help me grow, which I'm excited for. Additionally, I plan to pursue the Michigan Ross Leadership Endorsement through the Sanger Leadership Center to gain additional leadership experiences, as their high-quality programming will provide unique experiences that will provide a lot of professional growth.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future?

Because I get an extra year to expand my knowledge and gain valuable experiences, I will be able to put my future career into a better perspective, so I will probably find myself in a better position to make the correct decisions and gain better opportunities for my future career.

Sebastian Gonzalez Hidalgo, MBAn ’25


Quito, Ecuador

Undergraduate school and major

Attended the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, earning a bachelor of science in management and strategic business development and entrepreneurship.

What is your post-graduation career interest? 

Operations and supply chain, financial services, or strategy and management consulting.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MBAn Program?

I chose to enroll in the Michigan Ross MBAn Program because of its strong reputation for blending analytical training with real-world business applications. While I have developed strong soft skills through my experience in sales, I recognized the need to strengthen my technical and quantitative skills to excel in the field of business analytics. The Consulting Studio was the decision-maker for the Ross MBAn Program since I will be able to apply the skills learned in class.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

I am the only international student from Latin America in the program. I bring to the cohort the southwest perspective of the globe shaped by different economic and social perspectives that are unique to Latin America. This enhances the cohort's ability to analyze information from different angles.

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

I’m looking forward to learning from the renowned faculty and collaborating with peers. I chose this program to deepen my knowledge in analytics and complete my educational background so I can have a combination of great soft and technical skills. This program offers a place to enhance my analytical abilities, develop strong leadership skills, and build relationships that will support my aspirations and career growth.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future? 

The MBAn class comprises 66 individuals, each of whom is ready to tackle this program over the next 10 months, facing and overcoming challenges. Upon graduation, all 66 of us will be working in different industries and cities around the globe. I strongly believe that wherever I am, I will be able to reach out to my peers as a friend and be part of their professional network, supporting each other's growth and success in our lives.

Seana-Joy Irving, MBAn ’25


Kingston, Jamaica

Undergraduate school and major

Attended Kettering University, earning a bachelor of science in applied mathematics.

What is your post-graduation career interest?  

Consulting, strategy and business operations, or streaming analytics.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MBAn Program?

While working as an analyst/consultant recently, I discovered how using data management and analysis can solve problems and transform organizations. I decided to pursue a career in this area, but I wanted an advanced educational foundation in a program of study that would give me a greater advantage upon graduation. I also wanted a STEM-accredited program (as a STEM undergrad) that provided critical business knowledge and exposure. The Ross MBAn met these criteria with the addition of action-based learning in a Consulting Studio project sponsored by a company, with, most importantly, professorial guidance. It was apparent that Ross was the best place to study.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

I bring insights from working with a U.S. consulting firm where I interacted firsthand with senior management in the tech industry and gained an understanding of their issues and challenges. Additionally, I am able to bring a Caribbean perspective to class and facilitate possible connections with business in Jamaica. 

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

I am looking forward to the new me that will emerge after 10 months with some of the most renowned business professors in academia, leveraging all the opportunities that business school brings (like the +Impact Studio!) and meeting a diverse group of classmates who will challenge each other to be the best we can be. I am also looking forward to all the laughs and adventures in Ann Arbor over the next year with my classmates.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future?

I believe that my growth in leadership while at Ross will greatly impact my future. I am super excited to meet and have conversations with and learn from as many professors as I can at Ross. Additionally, I am confident that my new and varied technical skills from Ross will be a great advantage when I continue my career. 

Tanya Kapahi, MBAn ’25


New Delhi, India

Undergraduate school and major

Attended the University of Delhi Jesus and Mary College, earning a bachelor of arts in economics.

What is your post-graduation career interest?

Consulting - risk management strategist.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MBAn Program?

The MBAn Program has an interdisciplinary curriculum with a perfect balance of both business and analytical skills, along with a capstone project that prepares you for real-world challenges. That’s exactly what I was looking for. Additionally, I was intrigued by the extensive extracurricular offerings in almost every domain that this university as a whole has to offer.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

At Michigan Ross, I aspire to be a change-maker. I strive to contribute to the dynamics of the cohort by promoting inclusivity and supporting my companions in achieving their goals. I am confident that my interpersonal skills and my unique perspective, combined with my diverse cultural experience, will enhance diverse group settings.

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

I am really excited about choosing from a diverse list of electives, which I can mix and match to tailor to my target job role and industry. Further, while I am eager to work directly with companies on real-world problems as part of Consulting Studio, I am equally excited to get to know my classmates and alumni on a deeper level. I believe there is much to learn from everyone and from every conversation. Additionally, I plan to be part of one of the opportunities offered by Business+Impact, as their ideas resonate with my goal of being a change-maker.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future?

I believe the academic offerings, career development training, and the honing of soft skills through the Sanger Leadership Center will significantly shape me as a professional. By leveraging these opportunities and putting in the effort, I feel I can become a desirable candidate for employers. Additionally, this overall experience will be personally fulfilling as I make new connections, learn new things on campus, and live independently. This will help me develop basic life skills that will be useful in the future.

Brett Wolff, MBAn ’25


Boca Raton, Florida

Undergraduate school and major

Attended Michigan Ross, earning a bachelor of business administration.

What is your post-graduation career interest?

I am interested in going into business/data analytics in a role where I can utilize data to identify and solve problems.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MBAn Program?

Enrolling in the Michigan Ross MBAn Program was an easy decision for me. As a Ross alum, I have witnessed firsthand the quality of education and care Ross provides for its students. As I looked to transition from financial services to more data-focused roles, I explored options for master’s programs in data analytics, and when I found this one at Michigan Ross, it was an easy choice.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

My business-focused background and experience in finance have prepared me well to solve the problems and challenges that data analysis often presents. I consider critical thinking and leadership to be some of my biggest strengths, largely due to my education at Ross.

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

I am most looking forward to implementing the skills we will learn in the MBAn Program during our Consulting Studio project. In my experience, it is so rewarding when you can prove your hypothesis and witness the implementation of your team’s ideas in action.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future?

I am confident that the technical skills I will learn this year, the soft skills that I will continue to sharpen, and the relationships I will build during the course of the MBAn Program will have a monumental impact on my career. It is impossible to say exactly how, but I have already witnessed the power of the Michigan Ross education and alumni network and eagerly anticipate the next steps in my career.

Chong Zhu, MBAn ’25


Shanghai, China

Undergraduate school and major

Attended Wenzhou-Kean University, earning a bachelor of science in finance.

What is your post-graduation career interest?

Consultant/business analyst.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MBAn Program?

The Michigan Ross reputation, exceptional faculty, and excellent curriculum. Although the MBAn Program is relatively new, I know it utilizes a lot of resources throughout Ross. The professors and staff here are always willing to help us. The opportunity for Consulting Studio is also quite interesting.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

Since I was a soccer player, I can bring perseverance to my cohort. In the competition, you often encounter exhaustion, but how to persist is crucial. When everyone loses their strength, the one who persists to the end will get more opportunities. This spirit is also very useful in business, especially at Ross. My perseverance can bring confidence to my teammates, which makes the team work more closely.

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

First, I am looking forward to meeting more people at Ross, which means getting to know not only my classmates but also the professors here and even alumni. I am also looking forward to predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics 

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future?

I am sure this experience at Michigan Ross will deeply influence my future. Ross encourages me to be confident, which is an essential skill if I want to be successful in the future. Additionally, Ross emphasizes teamwork and networking, and this will become an invisible asset for me in the future.

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Learn more about the master of business analytics program