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Logistics Leaders: Meet the Michigan Ross Master of Supply Chain Management Class of 2025

A large crowd of MSCM students in the Winter Garden

In June, the Ross School of Business welcomed a new cohort of talented students from around the country to its Master of Supply Chain Management Program, which was ranked No. 2 in the world by QS World University Rankings 2024.

The Michigan Ross MSCM Class of 2025 is comprised of 66 students hailing from 41 undergraduate institutions across nine countries. Fifty-two percent of the class are women, and the students represent 22 different undergraduate major backgrounds. The new class also comes to Michigan Ross with an impressive academic record, with a GPA of 3.67.

The 10-month program, which is open to students with STEM backgrounds interested in pursuing careers in the supply chain, is already putting students' skills to the test. The new cohort has already begun learning business and supply chain fundamentals, as well as leadership and career training during the summer term. As the year goes on, students will continue to build their skills in management and operations and will gain exposure to the industry through real-world experience in the Supply Chain Consulting Studio.

Below, meet five members of the MSCM Class of 2025.

Breanna Allen, MSCM ’25


Southfield, Michigan

Undergraduate school and major

Attended the University of Michigan, majoring in business administration.

What is your post-graduation career interest?  

After graduating, I am interested in pursuing a career in project management in a few industries, including hospitality, transportation, and construction. I am eager to explore the opportunities that different industries offer while navigating the project management space. I enjoy working in diverse, cross-functional teams, having variety in my work tasks, and being challenged to look from different perspectives to gain a holistic view of a project; I believe project management will be a suitable fit for me. 

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MSCM Program?

I enrolled in the Michigan Ross MSCM Program through a unique program called the BTS Fast Track. I was interested in participating due to the rigorous curriculum and the opportunities to work with students from other disciplines. The latter, in addition to the exclusive resources and courses such as the action-based learning elective with the Supply Chain Consulting Studio and the Career Development Office, were the advantages that interested me in pursuing an MSCM at Ross.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

With a diverse cohort, I am one of the few students who went to Michigan Ross for undergrad. I think it is a unique perspective that I can bring to assist any of my peers with navigating and becoming acclimated to the Ross environment so they can make the most of their time at Michigan and Ross. Additionally, I can apply some of my experiences from being a student of the Tauber Institute for Global Operations, where I gained most of my exposure to operations and supply chain. 

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

In terms of the program, I am most looking forward to the classes. I am excited to be equipped with additional material and tools to apply to my post-grad career while learning about other career paths within operations. As a returning Ross student, I am most looking forward to joining graduate student organizations, attending career fairs, and working with CDO to prepare for the recruiting season.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future?

This experience at Ross will allow me to sharpen my skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, data analysis, and decision-making. Engaging with people from different backgrounds will also allow me to learn from others while expanding my network.

Vidhur Prasanna, MSCM ’25


St. Augustine, Florida.

Undergraduate school and major

Attended the University of Alabama Birmingham, majoring in industrial distribution with a concentration in supply chain management.

What is your post-graduation career interest?

I am interested in pursuing a career in consulting, as either a specialist or generalist, with a firm that emphasizes collaborative teamwork, continuous learning, and commitment to creating measurable impact.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MSCM Program?

I decided to enroll in the MSCM Program because of the values Ross holds. Not only do I get a world-class education, but I also get the amazing opportunity to learn about supply chains through the emphasis on experiential learning. To top it all off, I get to grow and learn from such a diverse cohort. I would sign that agreement 100 times out of 100.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

As someone who just graduated from UAB, I bring a “youthful” spirit and a passion for meeting new people. I believe I can always learn something new from every person I meet, and I hope to make everyone feel welcome. I also love to talk, but my friends would probably disagree with it being a strength. 

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

I am really looking forward to taking the Consulting Studio class and learning more about what supply chain consulting is. The culture at Ross is like a family. Being in the building and seeing everyone work their tail off pushes me to excel in whatever I’m focusing on. I look forward to being able to come to class and know that what I learn will be beneficial to my future.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future?

My experience at Ross will prepare me to succeed in whatever career I decide to pursue. Being in an environment where everyone strives for excellence inspires me to believe that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Having a network of connections as wide and great as the Ross network allows me to grow professionally as well as personally. I look forward to being a Wolverine for life.

Ashley Chen, MSCM ’25


Taipei, Taiwan

Undergraduate school and major

Attended Michigan State University, majoring in supply chain management.

What is your post-graduation career interest?

I am passionate about pursuing a career in the automotive industry, specifically in optimizing supply chain processes to improve production efficiency and reduce costs.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MSCM Program?

During my undergraduate studies, I explored various majors, including business preference, advertising, and marketing. When I enrolled in a foundational course in supply chain management, I discovered my true passion. The course was both fascinating and challenging. The Michigan Ross emphasis on collaborative culture resonates with my desire to learn and contribute with classmates from different backgrounds and industries, which will broaden my perspectives. This led me to where I am today in the Master of Supply Chain Management Program.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

My experiences in living and interacting with others around the world have provided me with a diverse background in a broad understanding of multicultural perspectives. My journey through various majors before discovering my true passion for supply chain management provides me with different business perspectives. This allows me to face supply chain challenges through different approaches, promoting innovative problem-solving skills.

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?  

I am most looking forward to the hands-on experience at Michigan Ross. The Supply Chain Consulting Studio will be a great opportunity to engage in real-world projects. I am thrilled to work with companies and apply my theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. I am also eager to network with students, alums, faculty members, and motivational industry leaders to learn from their experiences and branch out my network.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future? 

I am confident that my time at Michigan Ross will make me more knowledgeable, more successful in achieving my career goals, and make a meaningful impact in the supply chain industry. The connections I build with my program peers will be lifelong and inspirational throughout my career.

Dong Yang, MSCM ’25


Qingdao, China

Undergraduate school and major

Attended the University of Michigan, majoring in economics.

What is your post-graduation career interest?

I plan to start my career in the warehousing or transportation department. My ultimate goal is to work in supply chain consulting, using the insights I gained from my grassroots work to help companies optimize their processes and improve overall efficiency.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MSCM Program?

I enrolled in the MSCM Program because it is a comprehensive program that combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, focusing on global supply chain management and advanced analytics. Its strong emphasis on experiential learning through projects perfectly aligns with my career goals and offers valuable action-based opportunities.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

My background in economics and finance, combined with practical experience in top firms, has given me a deep understanding of market dynamics and strategic decision-making. This diverse background enables me to offer unique insights into how to optimize supply chains in different economic environments. I look forward to sharing these insights and collaborating with my classmates at Michigan Ross.

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

The collaborative environment and connections to a wide network of alums and professionals will provide me with a dynamic learning experience and a platform for my future career development.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future?

I’m confident that studying at Michigan Ross will sharpen my skills and broaden my perspectives, setting me up for success in supply chain management. The action-based projects and strong network I’ll build here are key for stepping into future leadership roles.

Mitusha Singh, MSCM ’25


Kolkata, India

Undergraduate school and major

Attended the Biju Patnaik University of Technology, India, earning a bachelor of engineering in information technology.

What is your post-graduation career interest?

After completing my MSCM, I aim to take on operational leadership roles in the supply chain industry, either within a core company or through consulting engagements. Ultimately, I aspire to become a chief supply chain officer or a partner, focusing on creating and managing resilient, sustainable supply chains.

Why did you decide to enroll in the Michigan Ross MSCM Program?

In my professional tenure, I have collaborated with the foremost global shipping enterprise for nearly five years, honing my skills in the logistics and supply chain domain. Motivated by my experience, I sought to enrich my supply chain business acumen by pursuing a top-tier master’s education. Michigan Ross has a distinguished reputation in the supply chain industry, underscored by the high ranking of the MSCM Program and the impressive global network of the MSCM alums. The program stood out through its fast-paced, STEM-based curriculum, featuring an industry-immersive action-based learning project as a hallmark component.

What strengths/unique perspectives do you bring to your cohort?

Throughout my decade-long career, I have consistently showcased strong analytical abilities, leadership qualities, and effective interpersonal engagement, spearheading global digital transformation projects. Proficient in project management, I’ve concurrently managed a diverse portfolio of projects. As a consultant bridging the gap between business and technology, I harbor a seasoned perspective on the elaborate role of IT in supply chains. I anticipate bringing these discernments and more into classroom engagements and team-based projects.

What are you most looking forward to in the program and at Ross?

I am eager to harness the transformative opportunities offered by the MSCM Program to realize my full potential. To this cause, I look forward to learning from the distinguished faculty at Ross. I’m also excited to participate in action-based learning projects in operations, procurement, and supply chain management taught in cooperation with AT Kearney Inc.

How do you think this experience at Ross will impact your future?

The real-world insights I stand to gain, combined with my extensive professional experience, are poised to establish a robust foundation for a promising career trajectory.

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Learn more about the Master of Supply Chain Management