Student Clubs & Organizations
The mission of the General Management Club is two-fold. Firstly, the club fosters interaction between Ross MBA students and companies that are seeking talented MBA students. Secondly, the club prepares its student members for recruitment through educational and networking events.
As a student-run organization addressing business, culture and other non-political issues, Greater China Association (GCA) aims to strengthen the bonds among current GCA students, serve as a focal point of communication among GCA alumni and students, promote Greater China's role in world economy and its culture in the Ross community, and promote Ross brand in GC areas to potential applicants.
The Healthcare and Life Science (HLS) Club is dedicated to preparing members for successful careers across all sectors of the healthcare industry.  HLS Club members are ready to take on leadership roles in the industry and make a significant impact globally. "¢ To provide excellent education programs to advance members' understanding of the intricate and evolving issues of the healthcare industry and to prepare members to lead the industry innovatively and ethically.  "¢ To host meaningful networking events so that members develop a strong, responsive professional network. "¢ To build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with corporate partners with the goal of enhancing the career exposure and prospects for our members and enriching our corporate sponsors by providing them with access to a rich talent pool of students ready to take on the challenges of their companies. "¢ To empower members with resources that allow for the pursuit of individualized short-term and long-term career goals.
Mission: The Human Capital Club at the Michigan Business School promotes the understanding and integration of human capital and other organizational strategy issues in business practice through the education and development of its members. Objectives The HCC fulfills its mission by: *Developing and facilitating educational opportunities for its members to learn about organizational strategy and relevant areas of interest, both in theory and practice. *Providing members with career resources to guide them through career development while at Michigan Ross *Establishing a network of resources both within and beyond the university community through which its members may help further professional knowledge and understanding beyond their formal education. *Serving as the conduit between individuals passionate about organizational strategy and faculty, to ensure that the university environment supports engagement in the field throughout the curriculum and campus.
The Indian Subcontinent Business Association is a student club dedicated to helping students of Indian subcontinent origin transition into business school life, promoting awareness about the subcontinent among the larger business school community and encouraging social and professional interaction among students from the subcontinent. ISBA is focused on helping its members excel professionally and socially. Feel free to contact any ISBA board member to know more about how we can help you.
The Japan Business Association seeks to promote a deeper understanding of Japanese business culture and practices throughout the Ross community. We aim to build and further the awareness of the Ross MBA in Japan, and to assist both prospective and admitted students in their transition to Ross. As the primary link between the Ross School of Business and the Ross Alumni Club of Japan, we also maintain and develop new networking and professional opportunities for our members, both domestically and internationally.
Korea Business Club at Ross is a graduate student organization open to all MBA students who are interested in Korean cultures, communities and businesses. We provide information, resources, tools and guidance to members for careers in Korea and promote a deeper understanding of Korean business culture within the Ross community.
The Maize & Jew provides social, cultural and networking opportunities for graduate Jewish business students. The club aims to bring its members together with other Jewish graduate students on campus as well as serve as an educational resource for the greater business school community.
The Maize & Brew Club is a non-profit organization devoted to the appreciation, drinking, and brewing of beer as well as a resource for students interested in entering the beer industry. Maize & Brew's goal is educate members about the characteristics of beer, beer making processes, industries, and provide action-based learning opportunities through educational series and corporate business operations tours. Join today and Maize & Brew will keep you up-to-date on all-things-beer here in Ann Arbor, including brewing events, brewery tours, and happy hours. Plus, we'll be co-sponsoring events with other clubs including dinners and charitable fundraisers. Prost!
ABOUT US A non-denominational Christian community at the Ross School of Business dedicated to sharing God's love, encouraging its members, and growing in our faith together. WHY We are devoted to understanding how and why the Christian faith informs both our professional and personal life decisions. We aim to better understand the intersections between faith and the business world while also rejoicing in His enduring love and the amazing blessings that come with it. In addition, we support each other through shared experiences and bear one another's burden" in order to "spur one another on to love and good deeds." If you don't know about Christianity, and want to find out more, we welcome your questions and would love to dialogue with you.
FinTech is one of the fastest growing sectors and has the power to radically change the way individuals and businesses acquire, exchange, and manage money. The MBA FinTech Club at Michigan Ross seeks to promote FinTech career opportunities and knowledge for MBAs through educational sessions, industry speakers, and company and career connections. The club is dedicated to MBAs, but actively partners with the University and Ross-wide FinTech initiatives, in addition to the broader Michigan FinTech Club, to bring the best FinTech learning and career opportunities to MBAs.
Michigan Business Women (MBW) is a graduate student club that promotes students' personal and professional development by providing networking, education and social interaction opportunities with Ross undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, administrators, and alumni, as well as professional women in the business community. MBW is committed to creating a supportive community by addressing topics significant to women in business and providing a forum where diverse experiences, perspectives, and resources can be shared. Our objectives: -Promote a sense of community among women at Ross -Provide opportunities to network with alumnae and other professional women -Promote learning and discussion of issues of significance to women in business
The Marketing Club at Ross is comprised of more than 100 students with interests in diverse fields such as brand management, healthcare, technology, consulting, retail, and services. The club strives to equip students with the necessary tools and coaching to excel in networking and interviewing. We hope you utilize all the resources the club has to offer!