Jonathan Peck

Jonathan Peck, MAcc ‘17

Associate Financial Analyst, Google

Whether it’s going for Vietnamese food after a CPA exam or simply working together to solve a challenging question in class, Michigan Ross Master of Accounting students offer each other around-the-clock support.

Jon Peck, MAcc ‘17, says, “The MAcc program is definitely a community, and I think that’s what makes it special. There’s a sense that we’re all in this together, so we push each other and help each other through it.

“A lot of the problems we’re dealing with in graduate school are ambiguous — there’s not a right answer. The MAcc Program, with its teamwork approach and experiential learning, is helping me develop my professional judgment.”

Taking Classes with Ross MBAs

They say experience is the best teacher, but MBA students may be a close second. At Ross, MAcc students take classes alongside full-time MBA students, enabling them to expand their network and learn from their more seasoned classmates.

“At Ross, people are willing to talk about their experiences and help each other. It’s really come out in my MBA electives, where students have five or more years of work experience. Getting to hear their stories and finding mentors has been great.”

EY Symposium in Washington D.C.

Unique to Ross, the EY Accounting and Public Policy Symposium sends MAcc students to Washington D.C. to explore the relationship between business and public policy. One of Jon’s favorite presenters, Robert Knake, authored one of his textbooks.

“Robert Knake was presenting on cyber security, which really complemented the master’s class I’m taking at the Ford School of Public Policy. It was really interesting to meet him in real life and ask questions.”

Jon sums up the trip: “The D.C. trip was a great part of the Ross MAcc Program. A lot of other schools don’t do anything like this, and it’s a good way to see how accounting fits into the bigger picture of business and government.”

Jon’s Favorite Professor

Back in the classroom, outstanding faculty orchestrate vibrant exchanges between business-minded peers. Cathy Shakespeare was a standout.

“Cathy knows accounting front and back, so she’s really good at facilitating discussion. There is definitely a sense of trust, and if I wasn’t confident I’d still raise my hand and try to answer because I knew she wouldn’t hold it against me. She’s an excellent teacher.”

Heading to Google as a Ross MAcc Alum

Most of Jon’s class accepted positions with Big Four firms, with students heading to Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Detroit, and more to begin work. Jon took a slightly different path, signing on with Google in the San Francisco Bay Area.

“I’m excited to join Google. It’s a great company. I’m working in their accounting and compliance rotational program. I’ll still be using my core accounting skills, but also learning some data analytics.”

Although he’s out west, Jon is helping out as a MAcc alumni ambassador. He speaks to prospective MAcc students via phone and email, sharing his experience and offering application advice.

He hopes to stay connected to Michigan in other ways as well. “I know there are opportunities to speak on panels, and at orientation a bunch of alumni Skyped in. I’m definitely going to stay involved with the MAcc program as an alum.”

He shares part of his appeal to prospective students.

You should come to Ross because it’s an amazing program. It’s obviously ranked very well, but more importantly, it’s a very good cultural fit for a lot of people. It’s easy to find a home here.

Contact Jon directly to find out more about the Michigan Ross Master of Accounting Program.  [email protected]