Jumming Chen headshot

Junming Chen, MM '24

Building an Entrepreneurial Foundation

From the vibrant cityscape of Chengdu, China, to the bustling streets of London, England, Junming Chen's journey to the Ross School of Business has been a tale of cultural exploration, academic pursuit, and passion for business.

From a young age, Junming knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur. Inspired by family members who own businesses, Junming has always aspired to start a company of his own. To do that, he decided to pursue an education in both business and digital culture.

Journey to Ross

Junming started his educational journey abroad, pursuing his undergraduate studies at King's College in London to immerse himself in a new culture and learn as much about global culture and business as possible. In his major, digital culture, he explored the intricate relationship between technology and society, something he wanted to have a strong foundation in as he worked to develop a business idea in the future.

Once he finished that degree, he planned to find a business school where he could pursue a master of management. He wasn’t certain which school’s program he wanted to pursue — until he visited Michigan Ross.

“I received five or six offers from different management programs around the world, but what helped me make my final decision was my visit to Ross before my interview,” Junming said.

 I met a lot of people, and they were very friendly. I think the most important thing I learned about Ross is the access to career advisors and peer coaches that students have.

“I also have a friend who got his undergraduate degree in the United States, so he has more knowledge of business schools in the States. He told me Ross has a really good reputation in North America as well as the rest of the world, which also helped me make my decision.”

Exploring concepts through action-based learning

During his first few weeks at Ross, Junming was impressed by the curriculum and community he found in the Master of Management Program.

“The teaching method here was very different from when I got my undergraduate degree in London. In the United Kingdom, professors often ask you to do a lot of self-study. Here, I think the teaching content is more practical,” Junming said. “For example, in preparation for our Consulting Studio Project, our professors would teach us skills and frameworks that would be relevant later and tell us, ‘Remember this concept because you're going to have to use it soon.’”

As he immersed himself in the rigorous coursework at Michigan Ross, Junming enjoyed finding practical applications for his learning, particularly during his Consulting Studio Project. He worked on marketing strategies for TrialAssure’s LINK, a software program that helps develop and publish plain language summaries to meet compliance requirements. Drawing upon frameworks that he learned in classes, Junming was able to navigate complex challenges with confidence, guided by the support of his teammates and consulting studio advisor.

Enjoying the Michigan community

Beyond academics, Junming has cherished the bonds he’s been able to forge with his peers, especially during memorable experiences like attending football games — a newfound passion that he did not expect to be interested in.

“In the United Kingdom and even China, nobody cares about U.S. football. We only watch soccer,” Junming laughed. “I didn’t know anything about U.S. football rules. But my friend Jennifer taught me a lot about it, and I just gradually started watching the games and became pretty passionate about it. I will definitely be following next year's season to keep my eyes on the Michigan team.”

Junming also made lasting friendships with other members of his cohort, who supported him throughout the program.

“I met my best friend James here. He's an international student as well; he's from South Korea. He motivates me a lot,” Junming said. “Last year, we were really nervous about getting jobs because of the uncertain economy. So it has been so nice to have friends going through the same things that I can practice interviews with every weekend.”

Taking the next step in his career

Junming eagerly anticipates the next chapter of his journey, having secured a management consultant role at Ernst & Young in Hong Kong. He is excited to gain more experience in consulting with the goal of one day using that accumulated experience and knowledge to start his own successful venture.

Reflecting on his time at Ross, Junming offered this advice to prospective students: "Find a peer coach as early as possible, and don't be afraid to try new things."

With his sights set on the future, Junming is ready to carve a path in the world of entrepreneurship, armed with the invaluable knowledge, experiences, and connections forged at Michigan Ross.