Career Services

Career Development Office will help you navigate the challenge of recruiting for your first full-time job. We’ll help you conduct a self-assessment. We’ll coach you on how and when to engage in informational and strategic networking. And we’ll provide insight into the best ways to develop your resume and prepare for interviews.


At the close of each recruiting season, Career Development Office surveys students to gauge their career search success.

Results, including a list of the top hiring companies, are published in the school’s annual employment report and posted online.


At Ross, you can access a full range of career search services, including individual career consulting appointments and a wide variety of workshops on topics such as: “How to Network Your Way into a Job”and “How to Ace the Phone Interview.” You’ll receive valuable and timely information on various aspects of the recruiting process — from initial self-assessment to final offer decision-making.

The MAcc Program and accounting-related student groups provide additional valuable recruiting opportunities. Students who intend to participate in fall recruiting attend a half-day Career Development Office seminar as a component of MAcc orientation. The MAcc Program then offers the GM Detroit Accounting Industry Bus Tour, where students visit all of the “Big 4” offices to learn more about their individual cultures and meet their staff. Students continue to develop relationships with firm recruiters at Ross Accounting Club and MAcc Student Association events, held throughout the fall semester.

The key is to start early. As early as May, check the Career tab in iMpact for Upstream Career Search Resources, which include online presentations. These presentations will familiarize you with self-assessment and introduce you to CDO’s services so you hit the ground running when you get to Ann Arbor.

Recruiting and Outreach: Career Development Office has four recruiting managers, organized by industry, each of whom manages company relationships. They coordinate on-campus recruiter events, job postings, and the interviewing process as well as provide outreach support to career-focused clubs. Based on student interest, this team reaches out to form additional recruiting connections with organizations that may not currently recruit at Ross.


On-Campus Recruiting

Deciding on a career and pursuing career opportunities demand careful thought and presentation. In 2014, more than 150 companies recruited on campus and conducted more than 2,200 interviews.

Networking Opportunities: Company presentations are typically held during the fall and are designed to educate students about the company and career opportunities. Receptions following these presentations provide a forum to meet company representatives and Ross alumni. Networking hours bring students, recruiters, alumni, and company representatives together in the Davidson Winter Garden.

Open Interview Opportunities: You may secure a slot for on-campus interviews through direct company invitation (closed-list invitation) or the Career Services bidding process. Ross is one of the few schools that is able to maintain open bidding slots on behalf of students — a testament to the school’s strong relationship with recruiters. You can accept closed-list invitations or bid on open slots through iMpact.

Off-Campus Recruiting

On average, about one-third of Ross students choose to conduct an off-campus search. You may opt for this approach if you:

  • are seeking a position in a targeted industry with an organization that doesn’t actively recruit at Ross

  • have more work experience than the typical MAcc and are seeking a higher-level position than what is available through on-campus recruiting

Career Development Office provides resources and connections for those conducting an off-campus search, including:

  • workshops

  • accountability teams

  • one-on-one appointments

  • outreach assistance

The core of Career Development Offices’ off-campus program is a series of interactive workshops that provide you with networking support, opportunities to meet and discuss networking strategies, and an overview of the timeline and activities unique to the off-campus search.

Staff career consultants also facilitate small group accountability team meetings designed to keep you on track throughout your off-campus job search. The sessions offer you an opportunity to overcome obstacles and share best practices.

You need to manage your career search like any project — with analysis, strategy, and preparation. Depending on your decision to use on-campus recruiting or to conduct an off-campus search, your timeline to complete these steps will vary. Regardless of your career search path, the components detailed below are critical to a successful search.

You can access the career steps and corresponding resources online via the iMpact Career page:

Step 1

Self-Assess and Determine Focus


Take CareerLeader, an online self-assessment that highlights professional interests, values, and skills (free for Ross students). Figure out where your passions lie and what work environments you value. Gather company information and create a list of target employers. Access web tools and databases via iMpact or the Kresge library.

Step 2

Develop Resume* and Online Brand


Understand what skills and experience your potential employer would value. Clarify the skills and experience that make you a compelling candidate. Develop a targeted resume (via iMpact) around the overlap of those skills and experiences. Schedule a resume review appointment with a career consultant (available via Skype before you arrive in Ann Arbor).

Step 3

Conduct Networking

Summer/ September

Conduct informational interviews to gain insight into jobs and industries. Attend corporate presentations and events. Participate in student clubs and network with peers.

Step 4

Prepare and Interview

August- November (On-campus interviews begin the end of September)

Develop and practice interview responses for fit/behavioral and technical questions. Schedule mock interviews with a career consultant (also available via Skype if you are not in Ann Arbor). Conduct interviews with companies, including second-round interviews.

Step 5

Decide and Negotiate

November- January

Decide which offer to accept based on personal criteria. Negotiate offer as needed. Accept or decline offer.


*To have your resume included in the current resume book, publish it in iMpact by early July 2018.


An overview of the Michigan Ross MAcc Class of 2016 shows that 97 percent of students who responded to our survey received their first offer within three months of graduation. Whether you pursue an on- or off-campus career search, the following resources should set you on course to accept the offer you are seeking:

Career tab on iMpact

iMpact is especially useful in the career search process. In addition to posting events hosted by CDO, clubs, and companies, iMpact:

  • generates resumes accessible to recruiters

  • houses all job postings and interview slots

  • contains the interview bidding-process interface


CareerLeader is a highly regarded online assessment tool that generates an expert evaluation of your unique patterns of business-relevant interests, motivations, and skills. CDO funds access for all Ross students at no cost.

Ross Student Clubs and Organizations

Students engaged in an off-campus search often find peer support and networking opportunities in career-focused clubs. Clubs organize annual conferences and events for interaction and networking opportunities with executives and alumni.

Kresge Business Administration Library

Kresge’s databases provide essential information to research and target employers.

Alumni Network

As a member of the Ross community, you have access to a vast network of more than 50,000 business school alumni you can leverage to find employment. Search the alumni database by name, region, industry, function, and more.