Jim Walsh
Shaping the Big Picture.

Explore the decision-making process that determines success or failure in business. At Michigan Ross, you’ll draw from many disciplines to gain a full picture of business strategy and the role of business in society.

Strategy Faculty and Leadership

Our faculty are experts in a wide range of subjects relating to corporate strategy, both in research and practice. 

Aneel Karnani, Interim Area Chair

Shawna Sloan, Faculty Support Administrator   


Strategy Faculty Directory

Explore course offerings by core/elective, terms offered, and primary degree program.

Diana Jue-Rajasingh, PhD student teaching class

Strategy PhD Program

Michigan Ross offers one of the few PhD programs dedicated to business strategy. Students prepare for a career in academia and experience close collaboration and regular interaction with faculty. 

Strategy PhD

We sponsor a seminar series featuring outside speakers sharing their diverse perspectives on strategy issues.       

Strategy News and Research