Six Feet Apart, But Stronger Together
In these unprecedented times, I’ve been inspired by the courage and contributions of the Michigan Ross community.
Ross MD/MBA dual degree students are working on the front lines to care for the growing number of COVID-19 patients, while other students are engaging in volunteer activities throughout the local community — from blood drives to delivering food to sick classmates and supporting local businesses.
In addition, many of our alumni are actively working to tackle the pandemic head-on. Around the world, they are working on projects related to vaccine development, virtual healthcare platforms, and supply chain management for healthcare and in-demand household products during this crisis.
Welcoming the Class of 2022
This past weekend, we welcomed an amazing group of students to the Class of 2022 through a virtual admitted student event joined by more than 350 people from across the globe. While we would have liked to welcome them in person, it was great to see the admits and their partners on screen, and to provide them with an opportunity to connect in small groups to meet each other remotely.
There’s still time to apply — Round 3 deadline extended to May 29
If you were considering applying in Round 3, but did not know if there would be “room” in the class, rest assured that there is. Every year, we reserve seats in the class for Round 3 applicants; this year is no different. Many of our student leaders were admitted in Round 3 and even off the waitlist.
Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great deal of disruption in everyone’s lives, we have extended our Round 3 deadline to May 29 to provide you and your recommender additional time to put together your best application. The priority deadline remains March 30, and applications received between March 30 and May 29 will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Here are three surprising facts about applying in Round 3:
- FACT: You can still earn a scholarship. Last year, over 60 percent of our Round 3 admitted students received scholarship support.
- FACT: Applying and getting in in Round 3, even with the extended deadline, will still give you enough time to meet your fellow classmates and join this fall’s cohort.
- FACT: You can submit an application without having taken the GMAT or GRE at the time of submission; test scores can be submitted later. We will accept test scores from the official online, at-home versions of both the GMAT and GRE. However, we will need a test score in order to make a final decision on your application.
Please stay safe and remember that we are here if you have any questions or concerns: [email protected].