Networking Might Get You an Interview, but It Won’t Get You the Job — Recruiting Tips from the Master of Management Career Bootcamp
By Emily Siegel, MM ‘18
The gravity of choosing the right job can be daunting. Especially for my classmates and I who don’t really want “jobs” — we want careers!
Between social media sites, job search engines, recruiting events, and networking opportunities, staying up-to-date with the fast-paced and dynamic process of looking for a career while also being a full-time student is stressful to say the least.
Fortunately, the Master of Management program starts with a “Career Prep Bootcamp” during the summer to help us with recruiting. Since the majority of the class is coming from non-business backgrounds, the bootcamp begins with overviews of different industries, from consulting and marketing to real estate and investment banking, to help students discover their passions, interests, and ideal work environments.
Here are just a few of the tips I learned this summer that helped set me on the right path for career search success:
1. Stay True to Your Goals
It is important to stay true to your goals and interests and not get distracted by another student’s recruiting process or what’s trendy.
Since I have previous work experience in hospitality, I am concentrating my search around companies in the travel and hospitality industry.
2. Master Your Networking Skills
Networking has singlehandedly been the most important skill to master throughout the recruiting process. During bootcamp, we learn specific skills on how to network, ask questions, and send compelling emails, along with developing our own LinkedIn profile.
Through some intense LinkedIn stalking, I connected with U-M alums at some of my dream companies. Using the Ross and U-M networks has been a priceless resource.
3. Be Memorable
You really need to stand out from the crowd. Recruiters can meet hundreds of applicants a day with the same interests and level of determination as you. At the end of the day, they want to be able to envision working with you, especially if you’ll be working long hours or traveling together. Just a simple smile conveys confidence and friendliness. Have a short memorable story about your experience that can stick in their head.
4. Put in the Effort
As with most things in life, the more effort, passion, and work you put into something, the more successful you will be. The same applies to recruiting.
5. Don’t Forget to Follow Up
Thank your interviewers and be sure to stay connected and active in your network. Do the research and follow through. Networking might get you an interview, but it won’t get you the job — it’s up to you to keep the momentum going!