Getting To Ann Arbor

Arrival in ann arbor

From the Detroit Metro Airport, we recommend that students with family and heavy luggage use an airport taxi. Airport taxi's are minivans and have sufficient space. Students with less luggage may use a car sharing service such as Lyft or Uber.

Housing in Ann Arbor

One of your primary concerns may be housing in Ann Arbor. The University of Michigan offers family housing (one- to three-bedroom apartments) for married students, as well as single bedroom units for single students. Students may also choose off-campus housing. The University of Michigan Housing Department automatically sends all students a housing application via email. You are not obligated to live in university housing. You may select any type of housing you like. Please consult with your colleagues and alumni about housing options. Each year, Global MBA students who plan to move to Ann Arbor with their families consider the Northwood Community managed by the university. Detailed information about floor plans and leasing in the Northwood Community is available at From this site, you can also link to off-campus housing options.

A residence hall for single graduate students called Munger Graduate Residences opened in the fall of 2015 and has become quite popular.

Students who are interested in off-campus housing are able to consider many options around the Ross campus and the city of Ann Arbor. 

For a housing map and information on apartments popular among Ross graduate students, check out the Housing & Relocation webpage.