Andy Arizala (MBA '69)
"Although I think I have had a very interesting post-graduation professional career, I quickly found after my retirement in 2005, that giving back gives me life's purpose and true JOY."
Bio Summary: In 2005, Mr. Arizala retired as the President of FundBalance, Inc., a software systems development company based in Ann Arbor, MI. A former Aeronautical Engineer with McDonnell Space Center and NASA, VP of OASIS Corp, President of The Arizala Corp, President of Micro Arizala Systems and President of FundBalance, Inc. Mr. Arizala has lectured at the University of Michigan in several departments including: Division of Continuing Management Education, Ross Graduate School of Business Administration, and the Rackham School of Graduate Public Studies, and the School of Information. He was invited lecturer in the Ohio Public Finance Officers Training Program, Kent State University, and the University of Maryland School of Public Studies. He also is co-author of the following published works: "Team Management in Local Government", "Computers", "Do You Know Enough About Computers to Buy One", "Local Area Networks" and "Cemetery Management on PC's".
Mr. Arizala holds a BS in Aeronautical Engineering (BSE '64), and a MBA in Operational Research and Management Sciences (MBA '69), both from the University of Michigan. Post retirement, Andy is living his three passions and continues to enjoy them today. [Est. 9.2024]