Legal Aspects of Managing Human Capital and DEI

Course Code
BL 514

2.25 hours
[Graduate Standing excluding MM, OMBA, JD, MACL, LLM, and SJD] and [no credit in BL 415]

Legal Aspects of Managing a Workforce --- This course focuses on creating frameworks for assessing the legal issues in common managerial situations. We will discuss practical implications for managerial responsibilities such as hiring, firing and giving performance reviews as well as common workplace issues like harassment and discrimination. This course prepares you to better evaluate future employment issues that affect you and your organization. It is valuable for anyone who will be an employee, independent contractor, manager, or business owner. The course emphasizes the standards governing workplace conduct so you understand your own rights as well as the rights of those who work for you. Major topics include: employee / employer relationships; hiring, firing, and evaluating employees; employee privacy rights; employee benefits; labor unions and the rights of nonunionized workers; discrimination, such as race, disability, and gender discrimination, and the potential liability of companies, managers, and individual employees in those situations. Course work is discussion oriented with an emphasis on application of legal principles to actual and hypothetical situations. This course fulfills the social requirement for the ESG concentration.

BL 514 fulfills the MBA Law/Ethics Requirement. Prior to the Fall 2014 term, this course was called LHC 514.