Lilia Cortina

Lilia Cortina


Lilia Cortina is University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology, Women’s and Gender Studies, and Management and Organizations at the University of Michigan. An organizational psychologist, she investigates the many ways in which people are subordinated, violated, and relegated to the margins of organizational life. These interpersonal indignities range from subtle social slights to general incivility to blatant harassment and violence. Lilia’s scholarship spans the full spectrum, with a particular focus on sexual harassment and workplace incivility. Her publications number over 100. In recognition of unusual and outstanding contributions to the field, Lilia has been named Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Lilia Cortina’s research has won awards, but its impact stretches beyond academia and into other professional spheres. She has served as an expert witness in a range of venues, translating findings from science to inform policy and legal decision-making. For example, she provided expert testimony to the U.S. Department of Defense Judicial Proceedings Panel, commissioned by Congress to review military judicial procedures surrounding sexual assault. She also testified to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace. In 2018, Lilia joined colleagues in co-authoring a landmark report on sexual harassment for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

For further detail, visit Lilia Cortina's lab website:

Email: [email protected]