Wayne Baker

Robert P. Thome Professor Emeritus of Business Administration
Professor Emeritus of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

PostDoc Harvard University 1987
PHD Northwestern University 1981
MA Northern Illinois University 1976
BA Northern Illinois University 1974

Wayne Baker is Robert P. Thome Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Management & Organizations at the Ross School of Business, and Faculty Co-Director of the Center for Positive Organizations.  He is also Professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan and Faculty Associate at the Institute for Social Research.  His work focuses on social networks, generosity, values, and positive organizational scholarship.  His latest book is All You Have To Do Is Ask: How To Master the Most Important Skill For Success (Currency/Penguin Random House, January 2020). Prior to joining the Ross faculty, he was on the faculty at the University of Chicago School of Business. He earned his Ph.D. in sociology from Northwestern University and was a post-doctoral research fellow at Harvard Business School.

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Featured Books
All You Have to Do Is Ask: How to Master the Most Important Skill for Success
Wayne Baker
A set of tools for mastering the one skill standing between us and success: the ability to ask for the things we need to succeed. Imagine you’re on a deadline for a big project, and feeling overwhelmed. Or you're looking for a job, but can't seem to get your foot in the door. Or you're dying for tickets to a sold out concert, and all your leads have gone cold. What do these problems have in common...