What You Need To Know As We Wrap Up Round 1

The Admissions team has been poring over Round 1 applications to give each and every one thoughtful and careful consideration, and we’re just about at the finish line.
We will begin calls to admitted students on Wednesday, Dec. 2, for U.S.-based admits, and Thursday, Dec. 3, for admits outside the U.S. Aside from this distinction, there is no other pattern to our calls.
If we don’t catch you by phone, we will leave a voicemail. During the call, we will let you know if you’ve been awarded a scholarship. Bear in mind that the Admissions team is still working from home, and not all our numbers start with a “734” (like we usually say to look out for). To be safe, we recommend you pick up all your calls on Wednesday or Thursday.
If you don’t receive a call from us, it means you’re waitlisted. We will be in touch with waitlisted candidates in mid- to late-December to provide a timeline and guidance on what to do while on the waitlist.
All Round 1 applicants will be able to access their decisions online on Friday, Dec. 4 at noon EST.
Tips for Round 2 Applicants
Our Round 2 application deadline is Monday, Jan. 4, at 11:59 p.m. EST. That means you still have about a month to work on your application. As a reminder, in response to continued testing challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, candidates may request a standardized test waiver.
Here are a few things to check before hitting the “submit” button:
- Review your resume for clarity. Be sure to highlight key skills, knowledge, and impact. Eliminate jargon or acronyms that are industry-specific, and proofread!
- Touch base with your recommender to make sure he/she is on track for submitting your recommendation letter on time.
- Review your essays to see if they provide insight into who you are, not what you’ve done. Have a friend or family member read your essays and ask whether they feel like they learned something about you.
To learn what we saw in Round 1 and how to make your application stand out, join us for a Round 2 application webinar on Monday, Dec. 7 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. EST. You can also drop in during Admissions Office Hours every Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. EST. Sign up here.
Like many of you, the Admissions team is looking forward to the holiday break later this month — spending time with our families, reading something other than an application, and turning on the “Out Of Office” reply. The Admissions Office will be closed for the holidays from Dec. 23, 2020 to Jan. 4, 2021.
We wish you a happy and healthy holiday season!