Podcast: Working for the Weekend
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Episode 702 — Weekend MBA Recruiting Journeys

On this episode of the Working for the Weekend podcast, Weekend MBA students discuss their recruiting and internship experiences. The panel explores the internship process, balancing their full-time jobs with recruiting, resources available for Weekend MBA students, and more. 

In the first half of the episode, the student guests discuss some of the unique challenges of recruiting as a Weekend MBA student. Internships can allow part-time MBA students to explore new industries, learn new skills, and set them on a path to their desired career trajectory. However, inevitable trade-offs should be considered before making that commitment. A primary focus is finding your priorities and balancing your options. Making decisions on recruiting, particularly how to spend time outside of the demands of work, life, and school, was a commonality among all the student guests.

“It’s really a balancing act,” said James Yau, MBA ’24. “You have to prioritize where you place your time. As we’ve learned through the recruiting process, whether you are doing on or off-campus recruiting, different industries require different levels of effort.”

In the second half of the episode, the panel focuses on the highs and lows of the recruitment experience. The additional workload of preparing for interviews, networking, and interviewing for internships can be demanding. However, the panel explores how their experiences were invaluable, particularly the opportunity to learn more about different industries, connect with professionals at industry-leading organizations, and test the knowledge learned in coursework.

“As I navigated this process, I discovered that the journey was incredibly rewarding,” said Anjana Chiluka, MBA ’24. “There were moments of highs and lows. The highs included meeting inspiring professionals, attending company presentations, and realizing how much I had learned and grown throughout the process.”

To close the episode, the panel offers advice for current and prospective Weekend MBA students navigating the recruiting and internship process.  


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About the participants

Host: Zhen Feng 

Guests: Dillon Orian, James Yau, and Anjana Chiluka

Executive Producers: Ajay Baabu Muthuswamy and JT Godfrey

Editing: Jonah Brockman