Tracy Guo

Tracy Guo, MAcc '16

Exploring the Inside of Business

It takes more than a killer resume to land a job at PwC. Just ask Tracy Guo, who currently works in the firm’s Detroit office and formerly worked as a PwC intern in China. During the MAcc program, Tracy appreciated opportunities to learn about business etiquette and enhance her soft skills. “I really enjoyed the courses for international students that helped us understand our strengths and weaknesses. That paid off during recruiting season.”

Getting an inside look at the industry was another advantage. “Through the Accounting Industry Bus Tour, we had an opportunity to go inside a number of firms. Getting a better feel for the company culture made it easier to chat and make small talk during interviews. We also had opportunities to interact with recruiters before interviews, which helped us feel more at ease.”

Tracy was pleasantly surprised at the depth of relationships that formed in such a short timeframe. “We took required classes together, and the class size is small enough to allow professors to get to know us. Ross offers great opportunities to build lifelong friendships.”