Michigan Ross Real Estate Fund group photo

Real stakes. Real return.

The Michigan Ross Real Estate Fund provides graduate and undergraduate students a unique, hands-on opportunity to make direct investments in real estate projects through a student-run venture fund.

Participation in the fund offers invaluable real-world experience to accelerate student careers. It exposes students to the complex market of real estate private equity investing and the science and art of making sound and profitable investment decisions.

How It Works

Through enrollment in a three-credit course, graduate and undergraduate students make investment decisions for real funds and steer the buy-sell decisions for real estate investments. They are guided by Michigan Ross faculty with extensive experience in the field. Students learn the challenges, excitement, and potential disappointment of investment decisions while improving their ability to make profitable investment decisions.

The fund makes direct financial investments in stable, cash-flow-positive commercial real estate properties in the U.S. The fund invests only as a minority, limited liability, equity partner. The fund will make two to three individual investments annually, in the amounts of $50,000-$150,000 each.

To learn more about participating, contact [email protected].


The fund is managed by 35-40 MBA and BBA students, working in four distinct teams called “silos.” Each silo is led by a second-year MBA student, and its members choose their specific focus. The silos work closely with experienced mentors and alumni partners, giving students valuable networking opportunities as well as professional guidance.

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