Dave Ulrich Talks to Forbes About the Value of Belonging

Social isolation is widely recognized as a problem with major impacts on mental well-being and physical health. One survey found 72 percent of Americans reporting feelings of loneliness. Human resources professionals and other business people should recognize these issues and work to build a sense of belonging, according to Michigan Ross Professor Dave Ulrich.
In a recent Q-and-A with Forbes, Ulrich — a well-known HR expert and author of The Why of Work — explains how organizations including workplaces benefit when they become “settings for belonging.”
"I find the concept of 'belonging' a critical factor for overcoming social isolation and for creating organizations that have a positive impact on people and performance,” Ulrich says.
The interview also touches on how to create that sense of belonging, the tricky role of technology, and the importance of empathy.
Dave Ulrich is the Rensis Likert Collegiate Professor of Business Administration and the Director of the Human Resource Executive Program at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.
Media contact: MichiganRossPR@umich.edu