Pursuing an MBA can mean big changes for students -- and partners. As a partner of an MBA student, it’s natural to wonder what lies ahead as you prepare for this new chapter.
Our partner community, made up of talented leaders, professionals, and parents, is an intrinsic part of what makes the Ross MBA family so special. In fact, almost one-third of students at Ross have a partner.
In this series of blogs, partners of current Ross MBA students share their experiences in the Ross community. From long-distance relationships, to finding a job in Ann Arbor, MBA partners share how they’ve experienced the Ross MBA program and how they make it work with their significant others.
By Audrey Fairbrother, MBA Partner
After more than 10 years of frequent deployments, Audrey and Jon decided it was time to take the next step towards building their family. But which MBA program would offer the same sense of community they'd come to know and love from the Military? Read how they evaluated programs and made their decision to choose Michigan Ross.
By Rocky Merchant, MBA Partner
When Dayna to accepted to Ross it was bittersweet for Rocky, who was building a career in NYC and wasn't able to move to Ann Arbor. However, with a little commitment and planning, the two were able to make the last two years successful, happy, and memorable. Rocky shares the strategies they used to keep connected to each other even though they were apart.
By Lizier Novoa, MBA Partner
When Lizi's partner got the call from Michigan Ross, it caused a 360-degree about-face in their lives. They were busy planning their wedding. They had just gotten promotions at work. Things were moving forward.
And, for a Peruvian who loves to spend time with her family, the move was hard for Lizi for many reasons. But the warm and friendly welcome from the Michigan Ross community not only pleasantly surprised her, it made her feel like Ann Arbor truly was home.
By Karis Tzeng Wolfe, MBA Partner
Karis was initially planning to find a job in Ann Arbor when her husband Erik entered the Ross MBA Program. But, a chance encounter eventually led her to enrolling in a Masters program at U-M as well. Now, they're both incredibly busy, but Karis has a few solid tips on how they've been able to carve out time to spend with each other and share experiences.
By Pedro Coracides, MBA Partner
Pedro struggled with whether or not to move to Ann Arbor when his husband Tyler got accepted into the Ross MBA Program — Chicago is close enough, after all. However, after a year of late-night bus rides, long commutes, and Sundays full of homework, the long-distance solution wasn't working for them. Pedro recounts his decision to move to Ann Arbor after being apart for a year, and how the Ross Community welcomed him when he arrived.

The Partners Club at Ross (PCAR) is dedicated to supporting the needs of partners and families of students in all Ross graduate programs. The club offers information, advice, and other resources to prospective and incoming partners and their families to facilitate a smooth transition to U-M life. They also provide an instant network of friends from around the world ready to explore Ross, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and beyond.