Business Transformation Residency

Course Code
EMBA 536

.75 hours
EMBA Student

Business Transformation Residency --- The Business Transformation Residency is unique among classes you'll take as part of your degree: instead of focusing on skills in marketing, operations, or accounting (i.e., "how to dig a well"), the Business Transformation Residency hones in on the common elements that help effect transformative change in businesses (i.e., "where to dig a well"). Specifically, you'll learn how to make sense of ambiguity, identify opportunities, and practice acting on your ideas. Importantly, you'll do so in a way that spans the organization's functional areas, as this is often where the greatest opportunities are. Learning Objectives: By the end of this course, you will be able to: 1. Quickly assess an organization's current performance "as it is." 2. Identify and articulate opportunities for transformative change. 3. Target efforts by taking a broad organizational view. 4. Build cross-functional alignment for transformative change. 5. Recognize pitfalls that can derail transformation and identify strategies to avoid those pitfalls.