Global Capital Markets

Course Code
FIN 414

1.5 hours
(FIN 300 or 302 or 557) and no credit in FIN 614

International Financial Management II: Global Capital Markets --- The purpose of the International Financial Management sequence at the Ross School of Business is to provide the analytical framework required for understanding how changes in international financial conditions influence the decision-making process of business leaders in the corporate and capital markets arenas. In the second course of the sequence, we focus on the major characteristics, institutions, and players of the international stock and bond markets. In particular, we examine the opportunities presented in those markets by such liquid assets as currencies, equities, bonds, swaps, and other derivatives for achieving risk management, asset allocation, capital budgeting, and financing objectives. We also attempt to explain and interpret the recent wave of international financial crises affecting the global capital markets. The course is tailored to students seeking careers in international banking and portfolio management or in finance and strategy for domestic and multinational corporations.