Global MBA Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAP)

Course Code
BA 591

7.5 hours

Global MBA Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAP) --- MAP is a field study course in which teams of students apply structured problem solving techniques to analyze multidisciplinary business problems or opportunities and make recommendations for improvements. It is a unique feature of the Ross MBA program - the action learning experience it provides is central to the School's curriculum. Students learn how businesses apply and integrate multiple functions and gain an appreciation of the value of teamwork through an intense hands-on project at a sponsoring company. Students do not take additional course work while enrolled in MAP due to time obligations and intensive group work. MAP provides an opportunity for teams of Global MBA students to analyze a real, complex business problem or opportunity in an organizational context with a participating company. Each MAP team works under the guidance of a multidisciplinary faculty team throughout the seven week course. MAP teams may be utilized to design new processes, generate ideas for optimizing business and e-commerce opportunities, or recommend process improvements or business solutions for a variety of current business needs. Upon completion of their analysis, MAP teams prepare a detailed written report and make formal presentations of their recommendations to the faculty team and to representatives from the sponsoring company.