Professor of Accounting
Michael and Joan Sakkinen Faculty Fellow
Accounting Faculty Doctoral Coordinator
Thomas C. Jones Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
Professor of Accounting
Michael and Jean Sakkinen Faculty Fellow
Coopers and Lybrand, Norman E. Auerbach Assistant Professor of Accounting
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Clyne Crawford Teaching Fellow
Ernst and Young Faculty Fellow
KPMG Professor of Accounting
Teitelbaum Research Scholar
Ernst & Young Professor of Accounting
Clyne Crawford Teaching Fellow
Faculty Director, Paton Accounting Center
Coopers & Lybrand, Norman E. Auerbach Assistant Professor of Accounting
Victor L. Bernard - Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP Collegiate Professor of Accounting
Clyne Crawford Teaching Fellow and Clinical Assistant Professor of Accounting
Carlton H. Griffin-Deloitte & Touche LLP Collegiate Professor of Accounting
Coopers and Lybrand, Norman E. Auerbach Assistant Professor of Accounting
Jones Research Scholar
Lecturer of Accounting
Clyne Crawford Teaching Fellow