The Michigan Ross Annual Fund allows us to foster economic inclusion, increase our global prominence and visibility, prepare tomorrow’s leaders, and seize new opportunities.

Sustaining educational excellence requires resources, and the Annual Giving Society provides the ability to meet unexpected demands and explore emerging possibilities.
The Michigan Ross Annual Giving Society recognizes all donors who make gifts totaling $2,500 or more to the Annual Fund at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan within each fiscal year (July 1–June 30). Donors who give $25,000 or more annually will receive recognition in the Dean’s Circle.
The World of Difference Scholarship is awarded to both BBA and MBA students, a scholarship made possible by the thousands of alumni, friends, faculty/staff, parents, and students who support the Michigan Ross Annual Fund.
World of Difference newsletters
An Annual Report
Invitations to special events and receptions
Recognition in the Annual Giving Society
Dean’s Circle members receive exclusive communications and invitations to connect with Michigan Ross leadership.
Please help us build a better world through business by joining the Michigan Ross Annual Giving Society.