World Bank Group/International Finance Corporation

Washington, DC
Project Goal

Create an ed tech strategy with the dual objective of achieving development impact and financial profitability

Project Detail

The International Finance Corp., a member of the World Bank Group, wanted to increase its investments in the growing, high-potential field of education technology. But within this rapidly evolving industry, where exactly will investments be most likely to generate the greatest impact? The IFC MAP team helped develop an analytics-based strategy to identify the most promising subsectors in advancing IFC’s goals of elevating education in developing countries while also generating acceptable financial returns.

Faculty Advisors
Tom Lantos Professor of Business Administration
Movses and Maija Kaldjian Collegiate Lecturer of Business Economics and Public Policy
Paul Clyde is President of the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan, the Tom Lantos Professor of Business Administration, the...
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Professor of Management & Organizations
Professor of Environment and Sustainability
Holcim (US), Inc. Professor of Sustainable Enterprise
Andrew (Andy) Hoffman is the Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan; a position that holds joint appointments...
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