outside of Ross building at night
PhD in Accounting

Prepare to produce impactful research as an accounting scholar on your path to a tenure-track position at a leading university. Throughout the five-year program, you’ll explore emerging issues in accounting using insights from allied disciplines including, economics, statistics, finance, and political science. You’ll work closely with accounting faculty, globally recognized as some of the top minds in the field. They will serve as your mentors and colleagues while in the program and throughout your career. 

Andrea Down, PhD
At Ross, you have the opportunity to learn from and work with some of the top scholars in the field. The faculty invest a significant amount of time and energy into mentoring PhD students, whether it’s discussing new ideas, providing feedback on early work, or collaborating on joint research projects. After spending five years in this intellectually challenging and collegial environment, you will be equipped with all of the skills that are needed to achieve a placement at a leading research university.
Accounting PhD Program Structure

The PhD program integrates emerging issues in accounting with insights from allied disciplines, such as economics, statistics, finance, organizational behavior, and political science. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of current accounting theory, practice, and research. 

You are expected to have completed courses in introductory finance, advanced-level financial accounting, and intermediate managerial accounting in addition to the school’s required background and analytical tools courses. You are also required to complete the following minimum course requirements: 

Econometrics/statistics (3 courses) 

Economics (2 courses) 

Finance (2 courses) 

PhD seminars in accounting 

Electives (normally fulfilled in economics, finance, statistics, or operations management) 

The program requires two projects: a research proposal (at a minimum) completed in the first year, and a small-scale study completed in the second year.

After completing coursework and the first research project, you may take the preliminary written exam. Advance to candidacy after passing the exam and completing a second research project. 

The remainder of the program is devoted to the dissertation.

Accounting PhD Faculty

Ross accounting faculty include some of the world's foremost business thinkers and innovative practitioners who focus on issues of importance to the accounting and business communities. Recent research topics include the impact of accounting information on capital markets, and the behavior of decision-makers within firms. 

Professor of Accounting
Michael and Joan Sakkinen Faculty Fellow
Accounting Faculty Doctoral Coordinator
Ernst & Young Professor of Accounting
Clyne Crawford Teaching Fellow
Faculty Director, Paton Accounting Center
Coopers and Lybrand, Norman E. Auerbach Assistant Professor of Accounting
Jones Research Scholar
Carlton H. Griffin-Deloitte & Touche LLP Collegiate Professor of Accounting
Victor L. Bernard - Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP Collegiate Professor of Accounting
KPMG Professor of Accounting
Teitelbaum Research Scholar
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Clyne Crawford Teaching Fellow
Ernst and Young Faculty Fellow
Coopers and Lybrand, Norman E. Auerbach Assistant Professor of Accounting
Thomas C. Jones Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
Professor of Accounting
Michael and Jean Sakkinen Faculty Fellow

Learn more about the faculty and research contributions of the accounting area at Michigan Ross.

Accounting PhD Students
Recent Accounting Alumni Placements

Wei Shao, 2023
China Europe International Business School

John Aland, 2021

Fairfield University

Jerry Mathis, 2021

Washington University

Madeline Thompson, 2021

University of Notre Dame

Andrea Down, 2020

University of Toronto

Ruby Lee, 2019

University of Florida

Reginald Edwards, 2018


Ryan McDonough, 2017

Rutgers University

Nayana Reiter, 2017
University of Toronto

Christina Synn, 2016
University of North Carolina

Jason Chen, 2015
University of Illinois, Chicago

Randy Hucks, 2015
Eastern Michigan University

Jed Neilson, 2015

Penn State

Jordan Schoenfeld, 2015

University of Utah

Current Accounting PhD Students

Current PhD students, the next generation of scholars preparing to solve the complex issues facing the accounting field.

madeline adler

Madeline Adler  
[email protected]

Vanessa Johnson

Vanessa Cardon
[email protected]

no-photo available

Sofia Martinez Dominguez
[email protected]