Becoming Who You Really Are: How to Grow Yourself and Your Organization
- What would happen if leadership development was radically altered?
- What if all your people spent 3-5 minutes a day for 100 days with a world class leadership coach who refused to tell them what to do?
- What if everyone spent 3-5 more minutes imagining a better version of themselves?
- What would happen if every manager, every employee became a leader?
“Becoming Who You Really Are" is a comprehensive 100-day course that is designed to allow you to dive deeply into areas where transformation is most needed in your life, relationships, and the impact you have on others. This online course includes five separate, 4-week (20-day) chapters that collectively combine to create the complete 100-day online course experience.
Organizations: Invite Your People to Grow
Invite Your People to Leadership: At last, a way for you to create a program for your people to develop individually while they also move the organization forward. The change is not directed from the top. It comes from all around the organization as each person becomes who they really are. If you are in need of significant transformation for yourself and throughout your organization, this comprehensive 100-day ‘Becoming Who You Really Are’ course design offers an impactful company-wide application.
Now organizations can do leadership development in a fashion that is more effective, less expensive, and automatically gives rise to organizational improvement. And, they can supplement current initiatives with this extended application series.
VP of Engineering, Chester Kustarz from DUO Security had this to say about his 100 days experience:
" Our goals:
- Build a management team centered around positive leadership
- Find training resources to improve our management and leadership abilities
The content is spot on for our goal of positive leadership. It provides many different layers and approaches to teach the material. By making it a daily habit, it becomes a constant reminder of the type of leaders we aspire to be. The format is perfect for rolling it out at our organization. It is low cost. Multiple sessions allow us to send another batch of leaders through the training. It is remote learning which makes it accessible by all."
20-Day Chapters
Individual 20-day chapters are available for group experiences of 30 persons or more or can also be taken as an addition to a custom program learning development experience. Contact us for specific program details.
Individual chapters include the following:
- Discovering Your Leadership
- Wielding Transformative Power
- Accelerating Deep Change
- Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership
- Leading Without Authority
- Leaders - formal and informal
- People seeking a unique, sustainable leadership development experience
- Teams seeking extraordinary results through common language, supportive approaches
Program Structure
This online course includes five separate, 4-week program chapters. Each 4-week (20-day) chapter creates the complete 100-day online course experience.
- Watch. In this unique learning journey, you will get an email each day that links to a 3-5 minute video. In that video, MI Ross renowned Professor Robert Quinn shares an inspiring story from his 40 years of working with global organizations worldwide.
- Reflect. Each story is followed by 2 simple questions. You post your answers to your online community.
- Consolidate. Each week you consolidate - squeeze the learning of each day into a single statement of learning for the week.
- Transform: You share successes and transform each member of your learning community with aspiration. As you do you turn individual leadership development into organizational change.
- Results: After 4 weeks of this process, you will have started to ingrain perspectives, develop new practices, and build new habits of interaction with colleagues, friends, and family. Experience how these changes will begin to transform your life, your relationships, and the impact you have on others.
After successfully completing the program, you'll receive a digital badge to share on LinkedIn or other social media platforms. Earn 1 credit toward the Distinguished Leader Certificate for in-person programs. Only one online program may be applied toward the Distinguished Leader Certificate. Or, enhance your career profile with an executive certificate earned from select programs or series. Visit our Distinguished Leader Certificate webpage for more information. Or, contact us to learn more about specific credentials, certificate eligibility, and benefits at 734-763-1000.
- Tuition covers access to the program platform where the videos reside and where commitments and reflections are captured and shared with your cohort.
- Program registration closes 5 business days prior to the program start date. The fee must be paid in full in US dollars (net of any tax) before access to the platform can be granted.
- See our website for our Cancellation, Transfer & Substitution Policy
- The 100-day program qualifies for modified special pricing. Individual 20-day chapters are available for group experiences of 30 or more persons or can also be taken as an addition to a custom program learning development experience. Contact us for specific program details.
If you have further questions or would like to consider experiencing this program as a team, please contact:, or call 734.763.1000.